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时间:2014-07-20 19:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:11.76](GROANING) [00:36.66]No, no, no! 不,不,不! [00:38.87](SCREAMING) [00:40.12]Oh, no! 不好 [00:50.50]Send in the Spirit of Freedom. 发射自由的灵魂 [00:53.13]Destroy the robot, then collect the Core. 干掉那小子,
  •   [00:11.76](GROANING)
      [00:36.66]No, no, no! 不,不,不!
      [00:40.12]Oh, no! 不好
      [00:50.50]Send in the Spirit of Freedom. 发射“自由的灵魂”
      [00:53.13]Destroy the robot, then collect the Core. 干掉那小子,再回收核心
      [00:57.80]You're safe. 你安全了
      [01:01.18]Again? What's with you guys? 又来了?你们有什么问题?
      [01:03.68]I love you! 我爱你!
      [01:05.94]Come on, then! 放马过来!
      [01:25.83]Fire! 发射!
      [01:45.56]Finish it. 结果了他
      [01:54.57]Touchdown! 命中!
      [02:01.83]Hey, where's he going? 他去哪了?
      [02:03.41]- It's falling to the Surface, sir. - Get him back! - 他掉落地面了,长官 - 追回来!
      [02:06.00]I am declaring a state of national emergency. 我宣布国家进入紧急状态
      [02:08.37]Leave for all military personnel is canceled until Tenma's boy is found. 在找到天马的儿子前 所有的军人停止休假
      [02:30.81](GROANING SOFTLY)
      [02:36.28]Welcome to your new home, kid. 欢迎来到新家
      [02:39.78]Hello. 你好
      [02:41.74]Batteries! Hes got new batteres! 电池!他有新电池!
      [02:44.95]Spare a few volts for a fellow Sparky? 施舍一点电源吧
      [02:47.54]New batteries. 新电池
      [02:48.62]Help me, son. I'm fading... 帮帮我,孩子 我恐怕…
      [02:53.04](IN FRENCH ACCENT) Table for one. Smoking or non-smoking? 一号桌 是否吸烟?
      [02:55.80]Smoking. I'm smoking. I'm definitely smoking. 烟,我有烟 我绝对有烟
      [02:58.88]You're one of us, now. Happy to meet you. 你现在入伙了 很高兴见到你
      [03:01.05]No, I... No, no, I'm not one of you guys. 不,我… 我和你们不一样
      [03:04.14]You're a robot, ain't you? 你是机器人,对吗?
      [03:06.60]- Yes, but... - Well, welcome to the scrap heap. - 是啊,但是… - 欢迎来到垃圾山
      [03:09.39]This is where we all end up sooner or later. 这里是我们迟早的归宿
      [03:11.98]No way, I'm not ready yet. 不行,我还没准备好
      [03:13.98]Hey! Hey, get off of me! What are you doing? 别拉我!你们在干什么?
      [03:16.57]ALL: One of us. 一份子
      [03:18.82]Incoming! 又来啦!
      [03:36.75]What do I do? 我该怎么办?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
