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时间:2014-07-20 19:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:25.58]My job now is to be your father. 我的工作就是当你的父亲 [02:29.33]Huh. [02:30.50]I am so freaked! 太吓人了 [02:35.09]Lets start you out with something familiar. 我们从你熟悉的开始 [02:37.84]Four-dimensional
  •   [02:25.58]My job now is to be your father. 我的工作就是当你的父亲
      [02:30.50]I am so freaked! 太吓人了
      [02:35.09]Let's start you out with something familiar. 我们从你熟悉的开始
      [02:37.84]Four-dimensional calculus. It's your favorite. 四维计算 你最喜欢的
      [02:41.68]I guess it is. 就算是吧
      [02:42.80]If sir wishes, perhaps I could help Master Toby with... 如果您同意 或者我来帮透比主人…
      [02:47.56]Oh, bad idea. Bad idea. I'm a robot. What am I thinking? 坏主意,坏主意,我只是个机器人 我在想什么?
      [02:53.81]Wrong way. 走错方向
      [02:56.23]ASTRO BOY: Okay, there. 好,这里
      [02:59.86]TENMA: Excellent. 棒极了
      [03:02.11]Yeah. 好
      [03:03.91]Interesting solution. 有趣的解法
      [03:06.41]Good. Good. 好,好
      [03:11.71]Bravo. Wonderful. Excellent, Toby. First rate, Son. First rate. 精彩,很棒啊,透比 一流的,一流的
      [03:15.08]You ain't seen nothing yet. 你还没看到呢
      [03:24.72](SINGING) Hey, that fractal's looking fair Cosine, tangent, there's a square!
      [03:28.01]Is that secant high or low? Watch me as I do-si-do
      [03:33.10](CLEARS THROAT) Let's get back to basics. Remember this one? 我们还是从基本开始吧 记得这个吗?
      [03:37.61]Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. 康德:纯粹理性批判
      [03:39.77]I used to read it to you in bed when you were little. 你的小时候 我就在睡觉前念给你听
      [03:42.86]To put me to sleep? 让我安睡?
      [03:44.70]Yes! You asked for it every night. 是啊!你每晚都要我读
      [03:48.66]That's not quite what I... 这跟我想的…
      [03:49.87]Just try re-reading these. Get the old brain humming again. 试着再读读看 让老的记忆再现
      [03:54.12](CHUCKLING) Whir.
      [04:11.39](SIGHS) 《笛卡尔》
      [04:12.47]Next. 下一个
      [04:31.95](ORRIN LAUGHING)
      [04:33.95]Beautiful. I got it! I got it! 漂亮,我来了,我来了
      [04:37.50]- Whoa! Close. - Way to go, Orrin. You're the man. - 哇,好险 - 好样的,奥伦,干得好
      [04:41.46]Yes. You know, I haven't had this much fun since, well, ever. 知道吗 我从来都没么开心过
      [04:46.34]Check this out. 看这个
      [04:55.81]I'm impressed. Not knocked out but impressed. 精彩 不太惊人,但是很精彩
      [04:59.98]That's nothing. Watch this! 还没到呢,看这儿

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
