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时间:2014-07-20 19:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:07.36]Oh! [00:08.49]Now, that is impressive, Master Toby! 这才是真的精彩,透比主人 [00:12.37]Just Toby is fine, Orrin. 叫我透比就行了,奥伦 [00:20.58]Toby. 透比 [00:21.96](EXCLAIMS) [00:25.51]What are you doing?
  •   [00:07.36]Oh!
      [00:08.49]Now, that is impressive, Master Toby! 这才是真的精彩,透比主人
      [00:12.37]Just "Toby" is fine, Orrin. 叫我“透比”就行了,奥伦
      [00:20.58]Toby. 透比
      [00:25.51]What are you doing? I said to read these books, not destroy them. 你在干什么? 我叫你看书,不是撕书
      [00:30.22](STUTTERING) I just wanted to test da Vinci's theores. 我想试试达芬奇的理论
      [00:33.18]I um, perhaps encouraged Master Toby, sir. 或许我对透比主人也有点推波助澜
      [00:44.02]You should not be wearing that hat. 你不该戴这帽子
      [00:48.32]A robot should not be wearing my son's... Toby's hat. 一个机器人不该戴我儿子… 透比的帽子
      [01:01.46]Dad, it's fine. I don't even like the hat. 爸爸,没事的 我一点不喜欢那帽子
      [01:09.42]I think you should go to your room. 我想你该回房间了
      [01:11.09]- But, Dad... - Do as you're told! - 但是,爸爸… - 照我说的做
      [01:27.90]Tenma? What's wrong? 天马?出了什么事?
      [01:30.45]I think I've made a terrible mistake. 我犯了个大错
      [01:32.41]I thought he would be like Toby, but he's not. 我以为他会像透比 但他不像
      [01:36.53]He's strange. He's very strange. 他很奇怪 他非常奇怪
      [01:39.20]Strange? Strange how? 奇怪?怎么奇怪?
      [01:41.46]He's brilliant as Toby was, but different. 他和透比一样聪明,但又不同
      [01:45.46]Well, you can't expect him to be a carbon copy. Give him time, Tenma. 你不能希望天衣无缝 给他点时间,天马
      [01:49.13]You don't understand. 你不明白的
      [01:51.47]He was meant to replace Toby, 他的存在就是为了替代透比
      [01:53.68]but every time I look at him, it just reminds me that Toby is gone 可现在每当看到他 都让我感到透比已经走了
      [01:59.93]and he's never coming back. 永远不再回来了
      [02:11.07]What's different? I haven't seen Dad angry before. 哪里不同了? 我没见过爸爸这么生气的
      [02:14.91](ELECTRONIC BABBLING)
      [02:19.83]SQUIRT: (LAUGHING) Check out the haircut on that one. 看看那家伙的发型
      [02:24.00]It looks like he's got horns. 就像头上长了角一样
      [02:25.83]SQUEEGEE: Horns! Good one! 长角!好家伙!
      [02:27.00]What do you mean horns? It's gel! 这不是角,是发胶!
      [02:30.05]- Wait. I can understand you? - SQUEEGEE: Whoa! That's creepy. - 等等,我能听懂你们? - 哇,真诡异
      [02:33.47]- What is? - It's like he can understand us. - 什么? - 他好像能听懂我们
      [02:35.84]- (LAUGHING) Don't be a dummy! - I can hear what you're saying! - 别傻了! - 我能听懂你们说话

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
