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时间:2014-07-06 21:50来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:05.23]But you dont have to do that alone. 但你不用独自面对这一切 [00:07.23]No, youre not.... Im doing it for the others. 不 你不... 我是为其他人着想 [00:09.60]Because they have no idea 因为他们不知道 [00:11.
  •   [00:05.23]But you don't have to do that alone. 但你不用独自面对这一切
      [00:07.23]No, you're not.... I'm doing it for the others. 不 你不...      我是为其他人着想
      [00:09.60]Because they have no idea  因为他们不知道
      [00:11.70]the risk they've taken coming down here with you. 跟你来到这一层梦境有多危险
      [00:19.80]We have to move. 我们得走了
      [00:21.60]Time's up. 时间到了
      [00:23.20]All right. I don't know any combination. 我不知道什么密码
      [00:26.10]Not consciously, anyway. How about instinctively, huh? 反正现在想不起来      凭直觉说一个呢?
      [00:29.37]I got somebody standing in your father's office right now  我的人已经在你爸办公室
      [00:31.95]ready to tap in the combination. 准备输入密码了
      [00:33.53]Give me the first six numbers that come to your head right now. 你现在想到哪六个数字 告诉我
      [00:36.54]I have no idea. Right now! 我不知道      快点说
      [00:38.95]I said, right now! Right now! 我说 快点 快点
      [00:41.35]Five, two, eight, four, nine, one. 5 2 8 4 9 1
      [00:49.12]You'll have to do better than that. 下次反应快点
      [00:51.29]All right. Bag them. You're going for a ride. 好了 把他们套上 要出发了
      [00:59.00]We're worth more to you alive. You hear me? 你活着对我们有好处 听见了吗
      [01:08.41]What'd you get? 有什么进展了
      [01:10.31]Relationship with his father is worse than we imagined. 他和他父亲的关系比我们想象的糟糕

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      
