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时间:2014-07-05 22:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:37.59]Put him out his misery. 让他解脱吧 [02:38.49]No, dont do that! Dont do that. Cobb, hey, hey. 不 别这么做 别这样! 柯布 嘿 [02:41.53]Hes in agony. Im waking him up. 他很痛苦 我叫醒他 [02:43.76]No. It wont wak
  •   [02:37.59]Put him out his misery. 让他解脱吧
      [02:38.49]No, don't do that! Don't do that. Cobb, hey, hey. 不 别这么做 别这样!      柯布 嘿
      [02:41.53]He's in agony. I'm waking him up. 他很痛苦 我叫醒他
      [02:43.76]No. It won't wake him up. 不行 这样弄不醒他
      [02:45.97]What do you mean, 你什么意思
      [02:46.70]it won't wake him up? He won't wake up. 这样弄不醒他?      他醒不过来的
      [02:47.70]When we die in a dream, we wake up. 我们在梦里死去 就会醒来
      [02:49.72]Not from this. 这次不行
      [02:51.04]We're too heavily sedated to wake up that way. 我们吃了太多药 那样根本醒不了
      [02:54.17]Right. So, what happens when we die? 很好 那我们死了会怎样?
      [02:56.04]We drop into limbo. Are you serious? 坠入意识边缘      你说真的吗?
      [02:58.04]Limbo? Unconstructed dream space. 意识边缘?      混乱的梦域空间
      [03:00.75]Well, what the hell is down there? 那下面到底有什么玩意?
      [03:02.20]Just raw, infinite subconscious. 原始而无尽的潜意识
      [03:04.39]Nothing is down there, except for what might have been left behind... 下面什么都没有 除了以前被困住的
      [03:07.55]by anyone sharing the dream who's been trapped there before. 分享梦境的人留下的东西
      [03:10.62]Which, in our case, is just you. 也就是说 只有你
      [03:12.69]How long could we be stuck? Can't even think about... 我们会被困多久?      根本都别指望...
      [03:15.56]trying to escape until the sedation How long? 在镇静剂的药效过去之前逃走      多久?
      [03:18.13]Decades. It could be infinite. Ask him, he's the one who's been there. 几十年 可能是永远 问他 只有他到过那儿
      [03:21.53]Let's get him upstairs. 把他弄上楼
      [03:24.37]Great. 太好了
      [03:26.81]Thank you. 谢谢
      [03:28.97]So now we're trapped in Fischer's mind, 所以现在我们给困在费舍尔的世界
      [03:30.95]battling his own private army. 跟他的私家军队打仗
      [03:32.29]And if we get killed... 如果我们被杀...
      [03:34.01]we'll be lost in limbo till our brains turn to scrambled egg, hmm? 我们会迷失在意识边缘 直到大脑生蛆 是吧?
      [03:44.16]Someone got first aid? 有人懂急救吗?
      [03:48.60]You knew these risks and didn't tell us? 你知道这些风险但不告诉我们?
      [03:51.10]There weren't meant to be risks. 本来不必有风险的
      [03:52.05]I didn't know we'd be dealing with gunfire. You had no right. 我不知道会有枪战      你没有权力

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      
