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时间:2014-07-05 21:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.83]Im afraid that it doesnt 我怕这样不成 [00:12.65]Cover him! Down! Down now! 掩护他! 趴下 快趴下! [00:14.61]What the hell is going on? 到底怎么回事? [00:19.99]This wasnt in the design. 我不是这么设计的 [0
  •   [00:01.83]I'm afraid that it doesn't 我怕这样不成
      [00:12.65]Cover him! Down! Down now! 掩护他!      趴下 快趴下!
      [00:14.61]What the hell is going on? 到底怎么回事?
      [00:19.99]This wasn't in the design. 我不是这么设计的
      [00:23.16]Cobb? 柯布
      [00:24.76]Cobb? 柯布
      [01:16.71]Get him! 干掉他!
      [01:24.58]Are you all right? 你还好吧?
      [01:26.22]Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay. 是的 我没事 没事
      [01:28.55]Fischer's okay, unless he gets carsick. 费舍尔没事 除非他晕车
      [01:30.62]Saito? 齐藤?
      [01:50.78]Get Fischer in the back room now. 把费舍尔带进后屋
      [01:53.21]Get him in the back room. Move. What the hell happened? 带他到后面 快点      怎么回事?
      [01:56.35]Has he been shot? Is he dying? 他中枪了? 他要死了吗?
      [01:57.98]I don't know. Jesus Christ. 不知道      上帝你妹啊
      [01:59.89]Where were you? What happened to you? Blocked by a freight train. 你去哪了 怎么回事啊?      被货运车挡住了
      [02:02.49]Why you put a train crossing in a downtown intersection? 为啥在市中心放辆横冲直撞的火车?
      [02:04.62]I didn't. Where'd it come from? 我没有啊      那它从哪儿来的?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      
