


时间:2013-06-02 10:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
建立互信build mutual trust 指鹿为马distort the truth 政府、商界和学界之间的旋转门机制a revolving door mechanism between government, business and academia 政治人才talented politicians/political talents 政治人物
  建立互信build mutual trust
  指鹿为马distort the truth
  政府、商界和学界之间的旋转门机制a revolving door mechanism between government, business and academia
  政治人才talented politicians/political talents
  政治人物political figures
  政治中立political neutrality/politically unbiased
  政治本钱political capital
  政治立场、政治取向political stance
  政治光谱the political spectrum
  政治危机/管治危机political crisis
  政治冷感和不成熟politically apathetic and immature
  政治改革/政制改革/政改political reform
  Political reform is likely to remain on hold, but China's economic liberalization continues.
  政治事件political events
  政治前途亮红灯whose political career hung in the balance
  政治风暴the political storm
  政治气候转趋缓和the political atmosphere has relaxed
  政治敏感的politically sensitive
  政治敏感议题politically sensitive issues
  政治阴谋/政治陷害/政治陷阱a politically inspired frame-up/a political frame-up
  政治倾向/政治取向political leanings
  政治领袖political leaders
  政治噱头political gimmick
  政治压力political pressure
  政治顾问political consultants
  政界的局外人a political outsider
  政商界人士、政治及商界人士、商界及政治人士business and political figures
  政教分离the separation of church and state/the separation of religion and politics
  政敌political rivals/political enemies
  政党领袖party leaders
  施政时不会再为党内纠纷所掣肘will no longer be hamstrung by its internal bickerings in carrying out his policies
  是双方的善意are gestures of goodwill from both sides
  某事为某人未来的关键somebody's future would hinge on something
  为政治气候降温cool the political heat
  英式的两院制a British-style bicameral model
  要收买人心,因中产阶级逐渐兴起win the allegiance of an emerging middle class
  The military backed Mr Wahid and General Wiranto said he would go peacefully, easing fears the army would overthrow the country's first democratically elected president.
  迫走某人出局oust somebody
  重返政坛step into politics again
  重新定位,注重民生reorientate itself towards livelihood policies
  面临政治孤立face political isolation
  Hong Kong society is now polarized to an extent not seen in recent history.
  香港的政治气候the political climate in Hong Kong
  修补和反对派的关系mend relations with opposition figures
  容纳不同声音allow different voices to be heard
  书面警告written warnings
  留意改革派的需求heed calls for reform
  留意草根阶层需要attend to the concerns of people at the grassroots level
  缺乏政治人才the shortage of political talents
  缺乏基层支持和社区工作经验lacked grassroots support and community-work experience
  针对某人进行不公平的批评lever unfair criticism at somebody
  除去政敌dispatching a political opponent
  Mr Ma said the parties had not merged just so they could play kingmaker in the selection of a chief executive.
  马克思主义的原则Marxist principles
  高明地平衡党内各派系balancing internal factions skillfully
  侧重商界的自由党business-oriented Liberal Party
  区议员district councillors
  区议员办事处district council office
  唱衰香港badmouthing Hong Kong
  坚持说自己讲真话maintained he was telling the truth
  基层党员rank-and-file party members
  培育/培养/培训政治人才groom political talent
  培训政治人才的重要性the importance of grooming political talent
  专制统治despotic rule
  将会面临重大考验will face a major test
  强烈反共的作家fervent anti-communist writer
  强烈反对vehemently opposed
  强烈否认vehemently denied
  从不同角度去看人和事use different perspectives to see the world and people
  卷起一场政治动荡caused a political storm
  推动新的政治改革launching new political reforms
  采取较温和的立场adopted a more moderate stance
  淡化其强硬路线diluted its hard-line agenda
  理性包容rational and accommodating
  疏远草根阶层distancing itself from grassroots issues
  第二梯队second-tier members
  符合两党意愿的解决办法bipartisan solution
  累积了大量经验had accumulated lots of experience
  被某人针对being targeted by somebody
  被历史洪流淘汰was swept away by the tide of historical inevitability
  软禁前总统苏哈图placed former president Suharto under house arrest
  This is a matter of political reality.

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