


时间:2013-04-08 16:44来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
香港妇产科学院Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (HKCOG) 香港妇产科学会The Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Hong Kong 剖腹产子caesarean section 刚学步的小孩toddlers 哺乳中的女性/授

  香港妇产科学院Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (HKCOG)
  香港妇产科学会The Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Hong Kong
  剖腹产子caesarean section
  哺乳中的女性/授乳妇女lactating women/nursing moms
  宫外孕has an ectopic pregnancy
  容易导致小产及婴儿发育不健全increase the risk of miscarriage and birth defects
  能向准父母保证有85%生女的机会can offer couples an 85% chance of ensuring they will have a girl
  阵痛23小时was in labour for 23 hours
  停经stop menstruating
  做第一次产前检查having their first pre-natal check-up
  侦测到冯女士的胎儿有异动detected abnormal movements by Ms Fung's baby
  妇产科Obstetrics and gynecology/OB/GYN
  产后抑郁症post-natal depression/postpartum depression
  荷尔蒙替代疗法HRT (hormone replacement therapy)
  连体婴Siamese twins
  曾小产两次had earlier had two miscarriages
  曾经堕胎have previously had had abortions
  绝育手术sterilization operation
  The hormone treatment might lead to the man growing breasts.
  开始阵痛went into labour
  Ms Fung's baby, in its 31st week of gestation, died the following morning because of a sudden breaking off of part of the placenta.
  新生婴儿new-borns/a newborn baby
  照超声波went for an ultrasound scan
  试管胚胎in-vitro embryos
  试管婴儿、体外受精in vitro fertilization
  堕胎儿/流产的胚胎aborted fetuses
  适龄生育的女性women of child-bearing age
  震惊产科界人士surprised the obstetrical world
  选择宝宝性别choose a baby's gender
  婴儿死亡率/婴儿夭折率infant mortality rate
  避孕丸contraceptive/contraceptive pills
  脐带umbilical cord
  怀孕七个月is seven months pregnant
  怀有三胞胎conceived triplets
  体外受精in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  人体器官移植委员会主席梁刘柔芬Chairman of the Human Organ Transplant Board Sophie Leung Lau Yau-fun
  人体器官移植条例organ donation laws
  Most diagnosed with serious illnesses needed transplant operations within a year otherwise they would die.
  不许医生使用该个肝脏进行移植手术refused the transplant team permission to use the liver
  Most organs for transplant on the mainland are harvested from executed prisoners, a practice which has drawn fire from the international community.
  平均要等六至八年才有肾脏可供移植had to wait six to eight years on average for an organ to become available
  本月共进行三次肝脏移植手术had performed three liver transplants this month
  成功接受移植手术个案the number of successful transplant operations
  有需要的病人needy patients
  About 100 people are also awaiting liver transplants, with only 13 carried out in the nine-month period.
  I really hope Hong Kong people are more generous with organ donations.
  更愿意捐赠器官have a more open attitude towards organ donation
  防止器官买卖to prevent commercial dealing in organs
  两年前接受肝脏移植手术received a transplant two years ago
  拒绝捐出过世亲属的器官refused to donate organs of their loved ones
  服用抗排斥药物take anti-rejection drugs
  花了二万五千美元订购移植用的肾脏ordered a replacement kidney for $25,000
  恢复一些手部动作revived some hand dexterity
  胚胎细胞fetal cells
  The hairs literally have to be ripped out.
  香港骨髓捐赠基金Hong Kong Marrow Match Foundation
  捐赠器官offer organs for transplant
  骨髓移植bone marrow transplantation
  骨髓验血行动a bone marrow campaign
  匿名器官捐赠者anonymous donor
  held about keeping the body intact for burial
  接受皮肤移植手术的病人skin-graft recipients
  接受骨髓移植received a bone marrow transplant
  接受移植手术received a transplant
  接受肾脏移植手术received kidney transplants
  Shenzhen - where many Hong Kong patients go for transplants - yesterday outlawed trading in human organs, and backed up the ban with fines of up to 500,000 yuan (HK$470,000) for doctors.
  移植的器官transplant (n); There is always a chance that the body will reject the transplant.
  细胞移植cell transplantation
  细胞移植手术cell-transplant surgery
  寻求捐肝人士plead for a liver donor
  等候接受肝脏移植手术waiting for a liver transplant
  进行骨髓移植手术undergoing a bone marrow transplant
  进行较多移植手术conducts more transplants
  须要立即接受移植手术needed an immediate transplant
  干细胞stem cells
  In the last 15 years, more than 700,000 people have received organ transplants. In 2001 alone, there were 5,510 kidney transplants, the second-highest number in the world after the United States.
  增加拨款以进行更多换肝手术granting money to allwo more liver transplants
  器官捐赠卡donor cards
  器官移植(organ) transplant (n)/(vt); to have a heart transplant/ a transplant operation/patient/ a shortage of suitable kidneys for transplant/Surgeons have successfully transplanted a liver into a four-year-old boy./Patients often reject transplanted organs.
  担心免疫系统会和(移植回来的器官)排斥worry about having his immune system reject them
  一只眼失去视力lost sight in one eye
  日戴型隐形眼镜daily wear lens
  水状体aqueous humour
  His eyesight had been slowly deteriorating.
  左眼视力受损八成lost 80 per cent of the sight in her left eye
  有眼科疾病suffered sight problems
  有眼疾had some trouble with his eyes
  老花眼镜reading glasses/bifocals
  色盲colour blindness
  色弱colour weakness

热门TAG:怎样背单词      英语新闻词汇      英文时事报道      英语背单词      

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