【让我想想】 1. Let me think about it. 让我想想。 2. Ill consider it. 我会考虑的。 3. Ill think about it. 我考虑考虑吧。 4. Ill think it over. 我得琢磨琢磨。 5. Let me sleep on it. 请给我一个晚上的时间考...
【下午茶吃什么】 1.afternoon tea下午茶, 分为high tea晚饭前的茶点和low tea午饭后食用; 2.milk tea奶茶; 3.bubble tea/pearl milk tea珍珠奶茶; 4.cream puff奶油泡芙; 5.cheese cake芝士蛋糕; 6.cooki...
【冰激凌各种口味】 Vanilla香草味 Chocolate巧克力 Butter Pecan奶油胡桃 Strawberry草莓味 Neapolitan那不勒斯(多层花色) Cookies and cream奶油曲奇 Rocky Road岩石路 Cookie Dough曲奇饼 Cherry Vanilla香草樱桃...
【含有数字的短语】 number one 头等的,自身利益; at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟; in seventh heaven 心情很好; six of one and half a dozen the other 半斤八两; the eleventh hour 最后时刻; dress to the nines 衣着华...
【各种帽子】 straw hat 草帽; woven hat 毛线帽; baseball cap 棒球帽; flat cap 鸭舌帽; beret 贝雷帽; fedora 爵士帽; bowler hat 圆顶礼帽; top hat 高顶礼帽; bucket hat 渔夫帽; cowboy hat 牛仔帽; petrol cap 机车...
【英语中的比喻】 as fresh as a lark/daisy精神饱满的; as poor as a church mouse像教堂里的耗子那么穷,一贫如洗; as mad as a March hare疯狂得像3月(交尾期)里的野兔; as stubborn as a mule像骡子一样...
【有关打麻将】 麻将Mahjong 碰callatileforatriplet/pung; 杠callatileforaquadruplet/kong; 吃callatileforasequence ow; 胡callatiletowin; 麻将牌atile; 庄家dealer; 骰子dice; 抓牌drawtiles; 出牌discardtiles;...
【各种不好心情】 1. Im so depressed. 我很郁闷。 2. I feel so upset. 我觉得和沮丧。 3.Im in a bad mood today. 我今天心情不好。 4. Im moody today. 我今天心情不好。 5. I feel low today. 我心情有点低落。...
【买单口语怎么说?】 1. Its on me. 我请客/算我账上; 2. Its my treat. 我请客; 3. Im buying. 我来买单; 4. Let me get this. 我来做东/付钱吧(口语化表达); 5. This is my round. 轮到我付钱了; 6. I...
【微英语】 1.Actions speak louder than words行动比语言更响亮; 2.From small beginning come great things伟大始于渺小; 3.The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones舌无骨却能折断骨; 4.Knowing something of everyth...