【各种问题】 1.Whats that smell? 这是什么味儿? 2.Whats that noise? 什么声音? 3.What is this line for? 这是排什么的队? 4.What are you up to? 你忙什么呢? 5.May I ask you a question? 我可以问一个问题吗? 6.Wh...
【道路词组】 1. gravel road 碎石路; 2. stone path 石板路; 3. race track 赛车道; 4. plastic track 塑胶跑道; 5. asphalt road 沥青柏油路; 6. undersea tunnel 海底隧道; 7. narrow lane 窄巷; 8. ship rout...
【看英语新闻必备短语】 1.aid=assist(帮助,援助); 2.alter=change or modify(改变); 3.ask=inquire(询问); 4. assail=denounce(谴责); 5. axe=dismiss\reduce(解雇,减少); 6.balk=impede(阻碍)...
【与狗有关的俚语】 1. to lead a dogs life 穷困潦倒的生活; 2. dog eat dog 残酷无情的竞争; 3. work like a dog 拼命工作; 4. dog-tired 筋疲力尽; 5. sick as a dog 病得严重; 6. let sleeping dogs lie 莫惹...
【公共交通相关词汇】 school bus校车; double decker bus双层公共汽车; coach大客车; taxi, cab计程车; trolleybus无轨电车; tramcar, streetcar电车, 有轨电车; stop停车站; taxi rank, taxi stand 计程...
【你是零食控吗? 】 零食snack food; 花生peanut; 葵花籽sunflower seeds; 核桃walnut ; 开心果pistachio nut ; 果脯preserved fruit; 话梅preserved plum; 口香糖gum; 核桃walnut; 芝麻糊Sesame paste;...
【就餐高频口语】 1、Id like a table for two, please。我想要一张两人座的桌子。 2、I dont know much about sth. What do you recommend? 我对不是很了解。你有什么推荐的么? 3、May I see a menu?我能看下菜...
【英语口语喝酒篇】 1.hit a bar 去酒吧; 2.grab a beer or two 喝两杯; 3.get a refill 把杯子满上; 4.bottoms up 干杯; 5.take a sip 小喝一口; 6.buzzed 有点醉; 7.hangover 宿醉; 8.dont get wasted/drunk 不...
【让你变笨的八个坏习惯】 1.忽视早餐No breakfast; 2.长期饱食Eat too much; 3.甜食过量Too much desserts; 4.长期吸烟Smoking; 5.蒙头睡觉Sleep with the head covered; 6.不愿动脑Dont actively use the bra...
【快乐五步曲】 1. Free your heart from hatred 释放心中的憎恨; 2. Free your mind from worries 不要过分忧虑; 3. Live simply 活得随意一点; 4. Give more and Demand less 付出多一些,要求少一点; 5. Expe...