【朋友种类】 1.buddy 哥们儿; 2.BFF(best friends forever)闺蜜; 3.confidante 红颜知己; 4.colleague 同事; 5.intimate 至交; 6.sworn brother 结拜兄弟; 7.partner 搭档; 8.companion 同伴; 9.comrade-in-arms 战...
【What口语】 What a mess!一团糟! What the hell?神马东西? What a great deal! 真划算! What s the catch?有什么意图? What s up?有事吗? What took you so long?你干嘛去? What a disappointment 真让人失望。...
【嘲笑类英语词汇】 1.deride 嘲笑; 2. gibe 嘲讽话; 3. jeer 戏弄; 4. mock 嘲弄; 5. parody 拙劣的模仿; 6. persiflage 挖苦; 7. pillory 示众; 8. chaffing 嘲弄的; 9. raillery 善意的嘲弄; 10. sar...
【fire英文短语】 1. open fire 开始,开火; 2. go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火,不顾艰险; 3. on fire 起火,在兴头上,非常激动; 4. under fire 受到严厉批评,遭到攻击; 5. play with fire 玩火,...
【无可奉告】 1. I have no comment. 无可奉告; 2. I have nothing to say about the incident. 对这件事,我无可奉告; 3.Thats all I know. 我就知道这么多; 4. This conversation is over. 谈话到此结束; 5.Theres...
【各种颜色的英文】 beige 米色; purple 紫色; black 黑色; white 白色; pink 粉红; brown 咖啡色; cream 雪白; grey 灰色; navy 丈青色; offwhite 灰白色; plum 杨李色; rosybrown 褐玫瑰; ro...
【请客吃饭怎么说】 This is my round. 轮到我付钱了。 Its my treat. 我请客。 Im buying. 我来买单。 Let me get this. 我来做东。 Ill pick up the check. 我来结账。 Its on me. 算我账上。 Shall we split the c...
【数字英语】 one and only 独一无二的; two-timer 出轨者; three handkerchief 伤感剧; four-letter word 脏话; the five wits 智力; at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟; behind the eighth ball 处境危险; a cat wi...
【horse短语】 a horse pill 大药丸; a horse laugh 讥笑; a horse of a different color 完全是另一回事; be on ones high horse 趾高气扬 ; beat a dead horse 白费口舌; hold ones horse 忍耐 ; clothes horse 赶时髦...
【各种蓝色Blue】 sapphire 宝石蓝, azure 湛蓝, cerulean 蔚蓝, cobalt 深蓝, indigo 紫蓝, navy 藏青, royal 宝蓝, baby blue 浅蓝, cyan 蓝绿, slate 灰蓝, sky blue 天蓝, Prussian blue 普蓝, steel blue 钢蓝, baby...