【做个精致的女子】 Groom yourself. 装扮自己; Dress nicely. 穿着光鲜亮丽; Photoshop your self-image. 调整自我形象; Think positive. 积极乐观思考; Kill negative thoughts. 摒除消极想法; Act positive...
【网络热词】 萌萌哒 cute; 经济逃犯 economic fugitive; 洗脑歌 brainwashing pop song; 反垄断调查 anti-monopoly investigations; 选座服务 seat selection service ; 羊水栓塞 amniotic fluid embolism; 裁员或...
【各种失望】 1. What a pity / shame!太可惜了; 2. I expected it to be much better. 我原本指望会比这个结果好; 3. What a bummer真糟糕; 4.What a let-down真让人失望; 5.All my effort went down the drain我所有...
【NBA英文词汇】 1.assist 助攻; 2.backboard 篮板; 3.backcourt 后场; 4.fake 假动作; 5.baseline 底线; 6.basket 篮筐; 7.dribble 运球; 8.downtown 三分线以外; 9.jam 扣篮; 10.foul 犯规; 11.layup 带球...
【保守秘密】 1.This is just between you and me.只有你和我知道哦; 2.I wont say anything. 我什么都不说; 3.My lips are sealed. 我的嘴很严的; 4.It was a slip of the tongue. 我无意中说漏了嘴; 5.I spilled...
【各种笑短语】 1.crack a smile 莞尔一笑; 2.smile from ear to ear 高兴大笑得合不拢嘴; 3.be all smiles 笑容满面; 4.force a smile 强颜欢笑; 5.smile away 一笑置之; 6.beam with smile 笑容满面; 7.a h...
【被借走的中国词】 1.孔夫子 Confucious; 2. 中国功夫 kung fu; 3. 麻将 mahjong; 4. 豆腐 tofu; 5. 丝绸 silk; 6. 茶 tea; 7. 世外桃源 Shangrila; 8. 风水 Feng Shui; 9. 茶点 dim sum; 10. 走狗 runni...
【成双成对的英语】 1.back and forth 来来回回的; 2.bed and breakfast 住宿加早餐; 3.cap and gown/coat 衣帽; 4.fire and water水火; 5.flesh and blood 血肉之躯,肉体; 6.heavy and light 轻重; 7.iron and...
【停不下来的Love】 1.lovely可爱的; 2.loveable可爱的; 3.beloved心爱的; 4.clove丁香; 5.lovebirds情侣; 6.gloves手套; 7.lovers情人; 8.lovesick相思病; 9.sloven邋遢的人; 10.slovenry 邋遢; 11.rol...
【用英语发飚】 1.Hey! wise up!放聪明点好吗? 2. Put up or shut up.要么你就去做,要么就给我闭嘴。 3.You eat with that mouth?你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗? 4.You are dead meat.你死定了。 5.Dont you dare! Ho...