【表示感谢】 1.Thanks for everything. 感谢您为我做的一切。 2.Our sincere thanks are due to you. 我们衷心地感谢你。 3.My appreciation to you is beyond words. 我无法用语言来表达对您的感激之情。 4.Thank...
【睡觉的词组】 1.打盹儿 nod off/snooze/ take a nano nap/ take a little catnap; 2,.打瞌睡 doze off; 3.小睡 catch a wink; 4.睡得很沉 sleep like a log/be a heavy sleeper; 5.睡觉容易醒 be a light sleeper; 6.去睡...
【一起来串词吧】 1.indicate v. 指示;表示; 2. indication n. 表示,暗示; 3.indictment n. 起诉; 4.indifferent adj. 冷漠的,不积极; 5.indigenous adj. 土产的,固有的; 6.indigent adj. 贫穷的; 7.ind...
【常用习语】 1. born with a silver spoon in your mouth 生于富贵之家,生来享受富贵; 2. by hook or by crook 不择手段,无论如何; 3. burn ones bridges 破釜沉舟,自断后路; 4. bite the hand that feeds you...
【10种小心的英语说法】 1. Take care 2. Mind how you go 3. Look out! 4. Watch out! 5. Easy does it 6. Steady 7. Better safe than sorry 8. You cant be too careful 9. Be careful 10. Beware ~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC 英...
【招生词汇】 prospectus 招生简章; provide training to selected students 定向培养; merit-based enrollment 择优录取; advance enrollment 提前录取; first/second choice 第一/第二志愿; disqualify 未录取;...
【自找麻烦表达】 1. You ask for it. 你自找的。 2. Serves you right! 你活该! 3. You get what you deserve. 你自作自受! 4. You deserve it! 你活该! 5. You are cruising for a bruising. 你这是在自讨苦吃。 6.Y...
【新词词汇】 1. chatterboxing 看电视发微博; 2.impulse saving 冲动节省; 3. interest graph 兴趣图谱; 4.geophony 自然声; 5. eye broccoli 外表不吸引人或外表不讨喜的人; 6. guerrilla proofreading 公众...
【超市英语】 Red date 红枣; Agaric 木耳; Dried shrimps 虾米; Cashewnuts 腰果; Brown sugar 砂糖(泡奶茶、咖啡适用); dark Brown Sugar 红糖(感冒时可煮姜汤时用); Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用...
【暴强谐音背单词】 tantrum---太蠢!--(BOSS)勃然大怒 jabber---结巴---说话不清楚 giggle---咯咯---傻笑 coup-----酷!---好主意 totem----图腾-图腾(只是为了收录!) caulk----卡壳---填塞,堵住...