【艺术英文词汇】 1.work of art 艺术作品; 2.masterpiece 杰作; 3.plastic arts 造型艺术; 4.graphic arts 形象艺术; 5.Fine Arts 美术; 6.art gallery 美术馆; 7.salon 画廊; 8.exhibition 展览; 9.collecti...
【花卉词汇】 1.amaryllis 喇叭花; 2.anemone 银莲花; 3.anther 花药; 4.azalea 杜鹃花; 5.balsam 凤仙花; 6.begonia 秋海棠; 7.cactus 仙人掌; 8.camellia 山茶花; 9.canna 美人蕉; 10.crab-apple 海棠花...
【聆听世界的声音】 1.ringing 铃声; 2.cheeping 吱吱叫声; 3.gasping 喘气声; 4.crooning 轻哼声; 5.burping 打嗝声; 6.splashing 水花声; 7.bubbling 冒泡沸腾声; 8.hissing 嘘声; 9.crowing 啼叫声;...
【拖延症患者的口头禅】 1. Maybe some other time. 也许下回吧! 2. Maybe tomorrow. 明天再说吧! 3. Maybe later. 过阵儿吧! 4. Lets play it by ear. 到时再说吧! 5. How about a rain check? 改天如何? 6. Let...
【你最喜欢穿那种鞋?】 1.canvas shoes 帆布鞋; 2.slippers 拖鞋; 3.court shoes 宫廷鞋; 4.flip-flops 人字拖; 5.sandals 凉鞋; 6.platform shoes 厚底鞋; 7.clogs 木鞋 (木屐常用geta); 8.ballet flats 平底...
【与嘲笑相关的词汇】 1.deride 嘲笑; 2. gibe 嘲讽话; 3. jeer 戏弄; 4. mock 嘲弄; 5. parody 拙劣的模仿; 6. persiflage 挖苦; 7. pillory 示众; 8. chaffing 嘲弄的; 9. raillery 善意的嘲弄; 10....
【浅谈音乐升降调】 1.note 即可指音符,也可指音调; 2.pitch 音高; 3.a sharp 升半音,升半音可以说:raise the pitch a half-step(即a sharp,用符号♯标记,美国用#); 4.a flat 降半音,降半音...
【各种姿势的说法】 1.crouch down 蹲下; 2.get down on ones kneel/kneel down 跪下; 3.bend down 弯腰; 4.lower ones head 低头; 5.sit with ones legs crossed 翘腿坐/盘坐; 6.settle back 靠背而坐; 7.stand up 站起...
【有关求职的单词】 1.resume 简历; 2.qualification 资格; 3.position 职位; 4.advertisement 广告; 5.require 要求; 6.interview 面试; 7.acceptable 可接受的; 8.illegibly 难读地; 9.longhand 普通写法;...
【吃惊惊叹英文】 1.I could hardly believe my ears.我不相信我所听到的。 2.Youre kidding! = No kidding!你在开玩笑吧! 3.No way! 这怎么可能! 4.I never have thought of it. 我从未想到过。 5.What a surprise...