【合成词】 1. chocoholic 嗜食巧克力者; 2. vegeburger 素食汉堡; 3. camcorder 便携式摄像机; 4. scrummy 美味的,绝好的; 5. Britpop 英伦摇滚; 6. aerobatics 特技飞行; 7. docudrama 文献片; 8. bi...
【不厚道相关短语】 1. rat on 撤销;背叛,告发; 2. cut in line插队,加塞;加号; 3. have an affair有外遇;通奸;婚外恋; 4. stab someone in the back暗中陷害别人; 5. tell on 告发;对产生效果...
【杰出著名词汇】 1.brilliant 灿烂的/闪耀的/杰出的/有才气的; 2.prominent 突出的/显著的/杰出的/卓越的; 3.outstanding 杰出的/显著的; 4.excellent 卓越的/极好的/杰出的; 5. splendid 辉煌的...
【采矿词汇】 1.outcrop 露头; 2.fault 断层; 3. lode 矿脉; 4.gold 黄金; 5.mine 矿; 6.layer 地层; 7.quarry 采石场; 8.gangue 脉石; 9.prospector 采矿者; 10.prospecting 探矿; 11.drilling 钻孔; 12....
【外交人员词组】 1.diplomatic rank 外交官衔; 2.diplomatic representative 外交代表; 3.commercial secretary 商务参赞; 4.cultural secretary 文化参赞; 5.commercial attache 商务专员; 6.special envoy 特使;...
【外交人员词组】 1.diplomatic rank 外交官衔; 2.diplomatic representative 外交代表; 3.commercial secretary 商务参赞; 4.cultural secretary 文化参赞; 5.commercial attache 商务专员; 6.special envoy 特使;...
Phrases you hear in an airport 机场经常听到的英语表达 1.What is the purpose of your trip?你此行的目的是什么? You hear phrase 1 when you arrive in the UK. The answer can be business, study, or pleasure if you are visiti...
【有魅力的同义词】 attractive 吸引人的,有魅力的; intriguing 迷人的,有趣的; inviting 诱人的,有魅力的; appealing 吸引人的,动人的; glamorous 迷人的,富有魅力的; charming 迷人的,...
【排球术语】 1.volleyball排球; 2.spiker主攻手; 3.blocker拦网队员; 4.passer二传手; 5.referee裁判员; 6.serve发球; 7.jump serve跳发球; 8.receive接球; 9.pass传球; 10.spike扣球; 11.back-row atta...
【男士裤子类型】 1.pants/trousers普通裤子; 2.slacks休闲裤; 3.dressy capris七分裤; 4.suit pants西裤; 5. jeans牛仔裤; 6.shorts普通短裤; 7.bib overall肚兜背带裤; 8.spandex弹力裤; 9.checkered tr...