【吃早餐咯】 1.Wonton noodles馄饨面; 2.Sliced noodles刀削面; 3.Spicy hot noodles麻辣面; 4.Sesame paste noodles麻酱面; 5.Duck with noodles鴨肉面; 6.Eel noodles鱔魚面; 7.Seafood noodles乌龙面; 8.Pork ,...
【from短语】 1. far from 远离;远非;完全不; 2. come from 来自;出生于; 3. be different from 与不同; 4. prevent from 阻止;防止; 5. suffer from 忍受;遭受; 6.from time to time 不时;偶尔; 7. h...
【你会什么乐器?】 banjo班卓琴; accordion手风琴; bagpipe风笛; panpipe排箫; harmonica口琴; piano钢琴; organ管风琴; violin小提琴; viola中提琴; cello大提琴; harp竖琴; guitar吉他; ba...
【How are you?】 1. I feel terrible. 我感到很难受! 2. Fair to middling. 还过得去! 3. Not bad! 还好! 4. I feel like a million bucks! 感觉棒极了! 5. Better than ever. 好得不能再好了! 6. So-so. 马马虎虎!...
【与脚有关的短语】 1. foot the bill 付账; 2. keep ones feet 站稳脚跟,不跌倒; 3. get cold feet 临阵畏缩,害怕起来; 4. put ones foot down 坚定;果断行动; 5.at the foot of 在的底部; 6. think on...
【姿势动作词组】 bow 弯腰; kneel 下跪; lean 斜靠; hop 单脚跳; crawl 爬行; nod 点头; jump 跳跃; scratch 抓; akimbo 双手叉腰; trip over 绊倒; bend over 弯腰; crouch down 蹲下; cross one...
【数学词汇】 integer 整数; decimals 小数; odd number 奇数; even number 偶数; algebra 代数; denominator 分母; negative number 负数; function 函数; rational number 有理数; irrational number 无理数;...
【英语里含ee的单词】 1.bee蜜蜂; 2.fee 费用; 3.gee 惊讶声; 4.flee 逃跑; 5.meet 遇见; 6.see 看见; 7.sheep 绵羊; 8.sleep 睡觉; 9.employee 雇员; 10.need 需要; 11.teeth 牙齿; 12.feet 脚; 13...
【说再见的10种表达】 1.Good day! 祝你一天愉快! 2. Bye bye. 再见。 3.So long. 再见。 4. Take care. 保重。 5.Catch you later! 待会儿见! 6. Farewell. 再见。 7.Have a nice day! 祝你一天过的愉快! 8.All the...
【口语中的say】 1. as you say 遵命; 2. dare I say it 说句不中听的话; 3. Im bound to say 很惭愧地讲; 4. easier said than done 说起来容易,做起来难; 5. I couldnt say 很难讲; 6. I dare say 我敢说;...