【这些你知道?】 break a leg 祝好运; shape up or ship out 好好干,要不走人; to spill the beans泄露秘密; Its raining cats and dogs.倾盘大雨; top dog 优胜者; to smell a rat事有蹊跷; to chicken out临...
【中华文化词汇】 1.Chinese汉语; 2.The Great Wall长城; 3.The Imperial Palace故宫; 4.The Shaolin Monastery少林寺; 5. kung fu功夫; 6.Confucius孔子; 7.农历the lunar calendar; 8.Beijing opera京剧; 9.Silk丝绸...
【实用口语:good】 1.Its just too good to be true. 哪有这么好的事; 2.Youre too smart for your own good. 你小心聪明反被聪明误; 3.I have a good eye for character. 我看人比较准; 4.Youre too good for me. 我配不...
【药品说明书相关词汇】 名称drug name; 主要成份main ingredients; 性状description; 功能functions; 主治indication; 作用action; 规格specification; 用法用量dosage and administration; 注意事项prec...
【游泳装备词汇】 泳衣swimsuit; 泳帽swimming cap; 泳镜swimming goggles; 跳台diving platform; 游泳圈life buoy; 救生员lifeguard; 自由泳freestyle; 仰泳backstroke; 蛙泳breaststroke; 爬泳crawlstroke;...
【小气鬼】 1.He is a very stingy person. 他是个很小气的人。 2.What a miser! 真是个吝啬鬼! 3.Hes not a generous person. 他不是个慷慨的人。 4.Shes such a penny pincher . 她真是个守财奴。 5.Hes such a tigh...
【摄影必知词汇】 照片photo; 快照snapshot; 摄影师photographer; 逆光backlighting; 亮度luminosity; 装胶卷to load; 焦点focus; 调焦to focus; 焦距focal length; 景深depth of field; 曝光exposure;...
【五金工具词汇】 锤子hammer; 大头锤mallet; 凿子chisel; 钉子nail; 螺丝钉screw; 螺丝刀screwdriver; 钳子pliers; 铆钉rivet; 扳手wrench; 电钻electric drill; 电焊枪soldering gun; 锯saw; 弓锯...
【p 打头的动词】 paddle 划桨; pounce 猛扑; prostrate 卧倒/拜倒; plunder 抢劫; perplex使 困惑; placate 安抚; perjure 做伪证; publicize 宣传; pulsate 脉动; pulp 把...弄成浆; pulverize 把...弄...
【驾车必备词汇】 highway code交通法规; traffic sign交通标志; accelerate加速; brake刹车; engage the clutch接上离合器; change gear变速; start up起动; decelerate减速; top speed最高速度; speed...