【没门儿】 1. No/Nope. 不; 2. No way. 不行,没门儿; 3. Not a chance.一点可能都没有/门儿都没有; 4. Absolutely not. 绝对不行; 5. Save it. 省省吧; 6. Only in your dream 做你的春秋大梦吧; 7. Don...
【喜欢的面包店】 1.bakery 面包店; 2.tray 托盘; 3.tweezers 夹子; 4.bread 面包; 5.cupcake 杯子蛋糕; 6.birthday cake 生日蛋糕; 7.sandwich 三明治; 8.toast 吐司; 9.handmade cookie 手工饼干; 10.f...
【green的用法】 1.He is still green to his job他对其工作尚无经验; 2.Do you see any green in my eye?你认为我幼稚可欺吗? 3.She is a green hand in teaching English在英语教学中,他还是个生手; 4.He has a gr...
【blue的含义】 1.He is proud of his blue blood他因出身名门贵族而骄傲; 2.Things are looking extremely blue情况极其不妙; 3.True blue will never stain真金不怕火炼; 4.He can read like a blue streak他看书极快...
【put的用法】 1.put aside 把放在一边;搁置; 2.排除 put away 把放好; 3.put back 把放回原处;驳回 ; 4.put down 放下;镇压;制止; 5.put forward 提出; 6.put off 推迟,延期;推脱 ; 7.put up with 容忍;...
【与脚有关的短语】 1. foot the bill 付账; 2. keep ones feet 站稳脚跟,不跌倒; 3. get cold feet 临阵畏缩,害怕起来; 4. put ones foot down 坚定;果断行动; 5.at the foot of 在的底部; 6. think on...
【就这么损人! 】 1.Poser!耍大牌 2.stingybastard!小气鬼 3.Nerd书呆子 4.Samedifference半斤八两 5.Youjustdontappreciateit.不识抬举 6.Howdiditcometothis!岂有此理 7.Playingwithfire找死 8.Luckybastard!狗屎运 9.D...
【玩过哪一种?】 1.Ferris wheel摩天轮 2.flume ride激流勇进 3.merry-go-round/carousel旋转木马 4.roller coaster过山车 5.bumper cars碰碰车 6.shooting gallery打靶场 7.wheel of fortune幸运轮盘 8.puppet show木偶表演...
【易误解的英语词语】 ①busybody 爱管闲事的人; ②personal remark 人身攻击; ③eleventh hour 最后时刻; ④dry goods 纺织品,谷物; ⑤an apple of love 西红柿; ⑥confidence man 骗子; ⑦rest room...
【三句话测试你的英文IQ】 1.You dont say! 是吗!(错误理解:你别说); 2.I havent slept better. 我睡得好极了。(错误理解:我从未睡过好觉); 3.You cant be too careful in your work. 你工作越仔细越好。...