【气象学】 wind direction风向; long-range forecast长期预报; numerical weather prediction数值天气预报; nephanalysis云层分析,卫星云图; stratus层云; carbon dioxide release二氧化碳排放; purify净化...
【关于性格词汇】 1.乐观 optimistic; 2.悲观 pessimistic; 3.内向 introverted; 4.外向extroverted; 5.自信self-confident; 6. 豁达open-minded; 7. 幽默 humorous; 8.忠诚loyal; 9.谨慎cautious; 10.耿直honest ; 11.机智quic...
【用过的文具 】 铅笔盒 pencil-case; 橡皮 eraser; 圆珠笔 ballpoint pen; 荧光笔 highlighter; 订书钉 staple; 卷笔刀 pencil sharpener; 卷尺 band tape; 夹子 clip; 图钉 drawing pin; 胶带 tape; 圆规...
【学会赞美】 gorgeous靓美养眼, hilarious热闹有料, fantastic可赞优秀, excellent出众超棒, intelligent聪明机灵, marvelous很好很强, bravo真好, brilliant赞绝了, glorious出色光辉, outstanding出众有才, sup...
【奥黛丽赫本语录】 1.For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. 若要可爱的眼睛,要看到别人的好处。 2. For a slim figure, share your foodwith the hungry. 若要苗条的身材,把你的食物分享给饥饿的人...
【旅游口语必备】 1. Where are we headed (going) now? 我们现在这是去哪儿? 2. Are we allowed to take pictures? 我们可以拍照吗? 3. Whats that over there? 那个是什么(指向不认识的东西询问)? 4. Do y...
【与减肥相关的英语词汇】 增重:gain/put on weight; 减肥:lose/reduce weight; 节食:go on a diet; 减肥茶:slimming tea; 瑜伽:yoga; 健美操:calisthenics; 素食者:vegetarian; 肥胖的:fat/obese/corpulent;...
【情绪化词汇】 envious/ jealous 嫉妒的; sulky 生闷气的; anxious 焦虑的; depressed 郁闷的; irritable 急躁的; stressful 有压力的; nervous 紧张的; angry 生气的; furious 暴怒的; afraid 害怕的...
【吃吃吃!】 eat up 吃光、吃完、尽情吃; eat out 上馆子吃、出去吃饭; eat like a bird 吃得很少; grab a bite 随便吃几口垫垫肚子; Ive had enough/Im full 我吃饱了; be on a hunger strike 绝食;...
【快餐相关词】 肯德基KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken); 苹果派 apple pie; 番茄沙司ketchup; 薯条French fries; 圣代sundae; 奶昔 milkshake; 鸡块 chicken nuggets; 三明治sandwich; 土豆泥mashed potato; 蛋...