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  • 中英成语俚语800对118:颠沛流离 日期:2016-06-06 12:26:11 点击:128 好评:0

    颠沛流离 Live a vagabond life. Here today and gone tomorrow. Have got the key of the street. eg:We all lived a vagabond life during wartime. 中英俚语俗语来源:论语:造次必如是,颠沛必如是。 同义词:漂泊不定...

  • 中英成语俚语800对117:颠倒是非 日期:2016-06-06 12:25:45 点击:186 好评:0

    颠倒是非 Stand truth on its head. Confound right with wrong. Turn things upside down. eg:To say black is white is to stand truth on its head. 中英俚语俗语来源:韩愈施先生墓铭:笺注纷罗,颠倒是非。 反义词:...

  • 中英成语俚语800对116:滴水穿石 日期:2016-06-06 12:25:19 点击:138 好评:0

    滴水穿石 Constant dripping wears away the stone. Feather by feather the goose is plucked. Slow but sure wins the race. A sheer strength of will. eg:Be determined to stick it out as constant dripping wears away the stone. 同义词:持...

  • 中英成语俚语800对115:得意洋洋 日期:2016-06-06 12:24:45 点击:221 好评:0

    得意洋洋 Have ones nose( tail) in the air. In high feather. Feel ones oats. eg:Jack has his nose in the air after his promotion. 同义词:洋洋自得 To tread on air. 反义词:心灰意冷 To lose heart....

  • 中英成语俚语800对114:得意忘形 日期:2016-06-06 12:24:12 点击:210 好评:0

    得意忘形 Leap out of ones skin. Beside oneself with joy. Leap with joy. To tread on air. Turn ones head. eg:He is ready to leap out of his skin on learning that he has been awarded the scholarship. 中英俚语俗语来源:晋书阮籍...

  • 中英成语俚语800对113:得心应手 日期:2016-06-06 12:23:19 点击:193 好评:0

    得心应手 As clay in the hands of the potter. Get into ones stride. Take to something like duck to water. eg:For you to teach the primary school is as clay in the hands of the potter. 中英俚语俗语来源:庄子天道不徐不疾,...

  • 中英成语俚语800对112:得过且过 日期:2016-06-06 12:22:46 点击:156 好评:0

    得过且过 Let well enough alone. To muddle along. eg:Its not easy to find a job, so let well enough alone with what you have now. 中英俚语俗语来源:陶宗仪辍耕录:寒号虫至深冬严寒之际,自鸣曰,得过且过。...

  • 中英成语俚语800对111:得不偿失 日期:2016-06-06 12:22:36 点击:171 好评:0

    得不偿失 The game is not worth the candle. Give a lark to catch a kite. Pay dear for the whistle. More kicks than halfpence. eg:Youll find the game is not worth the candle if you put your money on that horse. 中英俚语俗语来源:...

  • 中英成语俚语800对110:道听途说 日期:2016-06-06 12:21:23 点击:183 好评:0

    道听途说 Hear something over (throught) the grapevine. A travellers tale. eg:I hear over the grapevine that you are moving to Shanghai. 中英俚语俗语来源:论语阳货:道听而途说,德之弃也。 同义词:街谈巷议...

  • 中英成语俚语800对109:道貌岸然 日期:2016-06-06 12:20:51 点击:163 好评:0

    道貌岸然 Look as if butter would not melt in ones mouth. eg:The girl looks as if butter would not melt in her mouth when she sits next to her teacher. 中英俚语俗语来源:续仙传:李延情景恬檐,道貌秀异。 同义词...
