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  • 每日英语俚语 36、表现良好 日期:2017-11-09 12:15:07 点击:138 好评:0

    shape up 表现良好;乖 Youd better shape up if you want to stay on. 如果你还想留下来的话,那就最好乖一点。...

  • 每日英语俚语 35、前功尽弃;白费心机 日期:2017-11-01 12:20:15 点击:250 好评:0

    (go) down the drain 前功尽弃;白费心机;付诸流水 All our efforts went down the drain when the power went out. 电一停,我们努力全付诸流水。...

  • 每日英语俚语 34、重获新生;从毁灭中再生 日期:2017-11-01 12:19:20 点击:222 好评:0

    rise from the ashes 重获新生;从毁灭中再生 His business company went bankruptcy years ago, but now he opens another big one, it is rise from he ashes. 多年前他的公司破产了,现在他有开了一间公司,可以说是浴...

  • 每日英语俚语 33、态度谦卑;客气 日期:2017-11-01 12:18:28 点击:247 好评:0

    hat in hand 态度谦卑;客气;毕恭毕敬;卑躬屈膝 when you are pleasing others to help you, you must put your hat in the hand. 当你请求他人帮助你的时候,你的态度要谦卑。...

  • 每日英语俚语 32、错过;坐失良机 日期:2017-11-01 12:17:39 点击:170 好评:0

    slip through ones fingers 错过;坐失良机 How could you allow such an great opportunity to slip through your fingers? 你怎么可以就这样错失良机呢?...

  • 每日英语俚语 31、祸从口出;说错话 日期:2017-11-01 12:16:35 点击:183 好评:0

    put ones foot in ones mouth 祸从口出;说错话 Tom is always saying such stupid thing. He has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth. 汤姆尽说这种蠢话。他真有惹是生非的本事。...

  • 每日英语俚语 30、风闻某事 日期:2017-11-01 12:15:15 点击:90 好评:0

    get wind of something 风闻某事;探出;得到密报 His wife got wind of his dismissing and become very worried. 他太太听说了他被解雇的事情后变得特别忧虑。...

  • 每日英语俚语 29、事情已严重到难以挽回的地步 日期:2017-11-01 12:14:14 点击:242 好评:0

    fat is in the fire 事情已严重到难以挽回的地步;生米已成熟饭;事情搞糟了;闯下大祸 Sorry, dear. The fats in the fire. No way can you retract the offer without doing a lot of damage to the relationship. 对不起,...

  • 每日英语俚语 28、让某人为难 日期:2017-11-01 12:13:16 点击:250 好评:0

    put someone on the spot 让某人为难 Dont put me on the spot like this. You know I cant give you confidential information. 别这样让我为难,你知道我不能给你机密资料的。...

  • 每日英语俚语 27、在别人还没做之前先做 日期:2017-11-01 12:12:16 点击:101 好评:0

    beat someone to it 在别人还没做之前先做 If we do not take step immediately, some one will beat us to it, which means big loss for us. 如果我们不马上采取措施,别人就会抢先一步,而这对我们来说是巨大的损...
