


时间:2016-04-28 12:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:03.04]Hey, can I have this? 嘿,我能拿走这个吗? [03:21.36]All right, everyone. 好了,大家 [03:55.64](birds twittering) 我们必须要养它吗? [03:58.52]You get to keep them. 是的,必须养它 [04:16.60](man) All
  •   [03:03.04]Hey, can I have this? 嘿,我能拿走这个吗?
      [03:21.36]All right, everyone. 好了,大家
      [03:55.64](birds twittering) 我们必须要养它吗?
      [03:58.52]You get to keep them. 是的,必须养它
      [04:16.60](man) All right. 是的
      [04:20.08]but is close to me? 但是他和我很亲近
      [04:24.76](all) Come on, Phil. 来吧,菲尔
      [04:33.80]Good to see you. 见到你真好
      [04:43.56]Hello, uh, 大家好,呃
      [04:48.84](audience laughing)
      [04:59.24]I hear he’s a woman now. 我听说他现在是个女人了
      [00:03.24]Actually, uh, truth be told, no one knows where he is right now.
      [00:06.28]A lot of people are concerned. 大家都很关心他的下落
      [00:16.44]God, I’m going to be honest, I--I didn’t plan on speaking tonight. 天哪!老实说吧 我—我今晚上并没有准备要讲话
      [00:24.88]uh, to kind of... 呃,出于某种
      [00:38.80]Say a few words. 说点什么吧
      [00:40.80]Thanks, Paul, thanks, everybody. It’s--It’s great to be here 谢了,保罗,谢谢大家 今晚我很高兴能来这里
      [01:18.00]but with me it’s not about win-lose. 但对我来说输赢并不是关键
      [01:56.44]Okay, you know what? You got me. All right? 好吧 算你说对了,行吗?
      [02:03.20]A fair amount, in fact. What? 实际上,相当不少
      [02:10.88]You know, maybe we can coach the Little League together. 你看,也许我们能一起执教这个球队

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