


时间:2015-05-11 20:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:11.64]Perhaps all three. 或者三样都来 [04:45.68]The sand of the desert is sodden2 red, 沙漠之沙浸透着红色 [04:46.56]Red with the wreck3 of the ranks that broke. 红色的破碎阶级的残骸 [04:51.32]The Gatlings jammed
  •   [04:11.64]Perhaps all three. 或者三样都来
      [04:45.68]"The sand of the desert is sodden2 red, 沙漠之沙浸透着红色
      [04:46.56]Red with the wreck3 of the ranks that broke. 红色的破碎阶级的残骸
      [04:51.32]The Gatling’s jammed and the Colonel dead, 机枪被堵住了  团长死去了
      [04:53.52]And the regiment4 blind with dust and smoke. 大家被黄沙和烟气迷住了眼
      [04:56.08]The river of death has brimmed his banks, 死亡之河涨满了河堤
      [04:60.36]And England’s far and honor’s a name, 英格兰是那么遥远  荣誉是这么的贴近
      [00:03.36]But the voice of a schoolboy rallies the ranks, 突然   一个孩子的声音传来
      [00:05.64]’Play up! "奏乐!
      [00:08.24]Play up and play the game!"’ 奏乐 跳起来!"
      [00:31.20]? Da-dum-dum-dum ?
      [00:33.88]? Da-da-da-da, Dum-dum-dum-dum ?
      [00:35.36]? Da-da-da-da ?
      [01:05.00]Oh, Truscott, you are very funny Englishman. 哦 托斯卡 你是个很有趣的英国人
      [01:18.48]Excuse me. What’s going on? 对不起 怎么了?
      [01:21.48]The dancing is over. 舞会结束了
      [01:25.36]We go to sleep now. 现在该去睡觉了
      [02:24.24]You deliberately1 dropped me in it, didn’t you? 你故意把我丢在那的 对吧
      [02:26.88]You know I made a complete fool of myself? 你知道我当时看起来是多么傻
      [02:29.56]They like a man who makes them laugh. 他们喜欢让他们发笑的人

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      

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