


时间:2014-10-03 21:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.16]Do me a favor. 拜托啊. [00:02.77]Do yourselves a favor. Stop talking and look. 拜托你们自己吧. 闭上嘴,好好欣赏. [00:06.77]Youre not required to write a paper. Youre not even required to like it. 你们毋须为此
  •   [00:01.16]Do me a favor. 拜托啊.
      [00:02.77]Do yourselves a favor. Stop talking and look. 拜托你们自己吧. 闭上嘴,好好欣赏.
      [00:06.77]You’re not required to write a paper. You’re not even required to like it. 你们毋须为此写任何文字. 甚至你们不必喜欢它.
      [00:11.97]You are required... 你们该做的...
      [00:14.41]...to consider it. ...是思考.
      [00:16.28]That’s your only assignment today. When you’re done, you may leave. 这就是今天你们唯一的作业. 完成后, 便可以离开.
      [00:23.39]Thank God Betty isn’t here. 感谢上帝贝蒂不在这里.
      [01:21.94]Where did you come from? 你从哪里来?
      [01:24.18]Mars. 火星.
      [01:27.05]What a coincidence. 真巧.
      [01:30.22]Tom Donegal came by to see Joan. So I hopped a ride. 汤姆 唐戈过来找琼. 我要求搭顺风车.
      [01:36.56]Why? 为何?
      [01:40.76]So I could do this: 于是,我就可以来……
      [01:58.95]-Katherine. -Yes? -凯瑟琳. -啊?
      [02:01.82]-Have you got a minute? -Of course. -有时间么? -当然.
      [02:03.95]Walk with me. 跟我走一会儿.
      [02:06.29]-You going home for the holidays? -No. -放假回家吗? -不回.
      [02:08.86]-Too far? -Too expensive. -因为太远? -是太贵了.
      [02:10.79]But I’ve never had a New England Christmas, so.... 我从未在新奥尔良过过圣诞节, 所以....

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      

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