


时间:2018-02-19 16:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:39.68]...to try to stop my beloved 4 from leaving the country. 赶去制止我的爱人离开 [04:44.00]Of course, in real life when you park illegally, you get towed 5 . 在现实生活中要是乱停车 就会被拖走的 [04:47.48]Sa
  • [04:39.68]...to try to stop my beloved4 from leaving the country. 赶去制止我的爱人离开
    [04:44.00]Of course, in real life when you park illegally, you get towed5. 在现实生活中要是乱停车 就会被拖走的
    [04:47.48]Sam, don't hurt me, but Ben's plane left an hour ago. Sam, 别打我 Ben的飞机已经在一个小时前走了
    [04:54.80]And the hits just keep on coming. 打击真是一个接一个
    [00:07.04]Go into the living room. I've got something for you. 到客厅去, 我有点东西给你看
    [00:07.72]I was too late. 我去晚了
    [00:11.44]Mom, if this is about pie, I don't need to be depressed1 and fat. 妈, 如果是馅饼就省了吧 我在减肥
    [00:18.60]Alan said you left. Alan说你走了
    [00:22.08]That was the plan. 原本计划是的
    [00:23.36]I was originally gonna go next month... 最初打算下个月走
    [00:27.04]...but the other night I was showering and the drain stopped up. 前天晚上洗澡的时候 发现排水管又堵了
    [00:32.08]And this time... 这次是因为...
    [00:36.44]...the cause was your hair. 你的头发
    [00:39.84]So while the plumber2 guy was lecturing me again... 当修理工又再教训我的时候
    [00:45.12]...I realized I just couldn't be around here anymore. 才发现这地方真的容不下我
    [00:49.48]But you didn't leave early. 但你还是没有走啊
    [00:51.68]I tried. 我试过了
    [00:53.88]First, I started thinking about the trip, and all the places that I would finally see... 首先, 我开始制定旅程计划 把所有想去的地方
    [00:58.16]...and all the things that I would finally do. 和要做的事情都想好
    [01:03.44]And then I thought about how happy it should make me. 然后就觉得会是非常愉快的旅程

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      一个美国新娘的自白      

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