


时间:2018-02-19 16:31来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.96]- Ben, we can figure this out. - Yeah, yeah, sure. - Ben, 我们会把这问题解决的 - Yeah, yeah, 当然了 [00:07.16]The question is, should we figure it out? 问题是真能解决吗? [00:10.20]What are you talking about? 你
  • [01:30.24]But if he doesn't wanna talk about it, then maybe you should move on. 如果他不想再谈这事 你就可以向前推进了
    [01:35.80]Speaking of moving on. 现在向前推进吧
    [01:37.32]Sam, look, it wasn't my intention to make a scene. Sam, 我不想搞成这样的
    [01:39.96]You said Wednesdays Ben goes out. I didn't think I'd be interrupting... 你说过星期三Ben要外出 没想到会造成你们...
    [01:44.44]No, no, it's my fault. My plans changed. 没关系, 是我的错, 我改变了主意
    [01:45.76]Is everything okay? 一切还好吗?
    [01:49.04]If moving back in with my mom and dad qualifies4 as okay, then yeah. 搬回来跟父母住 然后装着没事, 也只能这样
    [01:53.60]- I'm sorry. - What are you gonna do. - 非常抱歉 - 你有什么打算
    [01:58.00]How about after work I take you out for dinner? Let me cheer you up. 下班后一起吃晚饭怎么样? 庆祝你高升
    [02:01.76]What's frightening is how great that offer sounds. 多么诱人的魔鬼之声
    [02:07.00]Luke, I should take some time to clear my head. Luke, 我想一个人冷静一下
    [02:10.52]All right, Sam, but if you need me, I'll be there. 好吧, 只要你需要我 我都会来的
    [02:20.72]Nothing will make you feel more humble5 than moving back into your old room at 30. 没有比30岁还要搬回娘家住 更丢脸的事情了
    [02:23.00]Nothing, that is, except your mother. 真的没有, 除了老妈
    [02:27.12]- Samantha. - Mom, this is hard enough as it is. - Samantha - 妈, 我已经够难受了
    [02:28.56]- I could do without a lecture. - Honey, I'm not here to lecture you. - 我不再要受训了 - 亲爱的我不是来责怪你
    [02:33.04]Was Anne's petition6 for her sainthood7 granted8? 是不是Anne的圣女申请被接纳了?
    [02:34.96]Wanna tell me now, or should I wait for you to finish this month's fan club newsletter? 现在告诉我, 还是等到 这个月的追星活动结束后?
    [02:41.00]Oh, I thought we'd talk. You know, like adults. 我们应该谈一下, 例如成人话题
    [02:42.68]Yeah, well, kind of hard to do with Mr. Binky staring at me. 好吧, 就说我无法忍受 Binky色眯眯的看着我

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      一个美国新娘的自白      

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