


时间:2018-02-02 12:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:03.92]Even my mom can. 妈妈也应该行 [00:04.32]I just have to be organized, do one thing at a time, prioritize... 我必须学会合理安排 [00:09.28]...take a measured, level-headed approach. 尽量避免冲突 [00:12.40]An appro
  • [00:03.92]Even my mom can. 妈妈也应该行
    [00:04.32]I just have to be organized, do one thing at a time, prioritize... 我必须学会合理安排
    [00:09.28]...take a measured, level-headed approach. 尽量避免冲突
    [00:12.40]An approach that apparently1 is unsuited to dress shopping. 一起选择婚纱显然是错误的
    [00:16.76]The bridal shop's semi-annual trunk show. 婚纱店正举行半年一度的 品牌展示推广活动
    [00:19.36]Kind of an ancient Rome vibe, no? 有几分像仿古罗马式, 对吗?
    [00:26.80]Kristin: Bridesmaid, lifelong friend, and voice of doom2. 我的好朋友Kristin: 伴娘之一 Doom的配音员
    [00:28.76]That's mine. 那是我的
    [00:30.84]Back off, babe. We got dibs. 放开, 我们有优先权
    [00:34.64]Does this thing come with an SUV? 这衣服是用运动型多功能车运来的吗?
    [00:38.40]No, I don't like the toile. 我不喜欢这布料
    [00:46.60]This seems like a lot of trouble to go to for some party. 这里就像麻烦大派对
    [00:48.08]This isn't just some party. 这不是一般的派对
    [00:49.44]No, it's the most important day of your life. 这是你一生中最重要的日子
    [00:54.52]It has to be perfect, like mine was. 一定要办好, 我的就是
    [00:57.52]Maybe because you didn't have to wear those hideous3 bridesmaid dresses. 你应该庆幸不用穿这恶心的衣服
    [01:02.76]So was the parental4 meeting really that bad? 双方父母见面真的那么糟糕吗?
    [01:08.16]No. Yes. 是的
    [01:09.44]I don't know. 我不知道
    [01:11.32]Sorry, didn't see the back fat. 对不起, 不知道你的背那么胖
    [01:14.28]- What was the crux5 of the problem? - What wasn't? - 到底是什么原因呢? - 什么都不是
    [01:16.20]His parents, my parents, they all had their own ideas. 我们的父母都各有一套

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      一个美国新娘的自白      

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