


时间:2018-01-31 12:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:16.12]Yes. 好的 [04:50.88]Id been engaged for a shade under three hours... 我已经忙碌了三个小时 [04:54.60]...and already I felt behind. 真觉得自己有点落伍 [04:54.88]I had work to do. 我要找点东西 [04:57.08]Men
  • [04:16.12]Yes. 好的
    [04:50.88]I'd been engaged for a shade under three hours... 我已经忙碌了三个小时
    [04:54.60]...and already I felt behind. 真觉得自己有点落伍
    [04:54.88]I had work to do. 我要找点东西
    [04:57.08]Men get porn, women get wedding websites. 网络为男人准备了黄色礼物 但也为女人送上介绍婚礼资料
    [00:01.16]You a little excited, huh? 哈, 你有点兴奋
    [00:06.32]We need flowers, a band, centerpieces, a caterer1. The best ones go fast. 我们需要鲜花, 乐队, 装饰物 还有一队备办宴会的人
    [00:08.48]We have to get on this. We don't even have a date. 这一切都要去做 我们甚至还没有定好日期
    [00:12.20]- Okay, what were you thinking? - June 15th. - Ok, 你想怎样? - 6月15日
    [00:14.64]I checked and there's less than an 18 percent chance of precipitation. 我查过了, 下雨的机会低于18%
    [00:17.92]Well, June 15th it is. Now, how about bed? 好, 就6月15日 现在上床吧
    [00:19.12]I'm sure there's not a 3 a.m. Rush on caterers. 我肯定凌晨3点没人会给你办婚宴
    [00:27.48]I mean, the word "wedding" has always turned me into mush. 我是说"婚礼"一词 总是让我神经兮兮
    [00:31.52]It's like some ingrained X-chromosome thing. 就像体内有异染色体一样
    [00:34.16]I can't help it. My head is spinning in wedding thoughts. 我制止不了 现在满脑子都是婚礼的想法
    [00:36.24]Do you think I'm crazy? 是不是觉得我很疯狂?
    [00:39.60]Well, besides agreeing to marry me... 除了答应嫁给我之外
    [00:43.36]...I see no evidence of you being crazy. 看不出你有疯的迹象
    [00:45.40]I promise, after the wedding I'll go back to being good old level-headed Sam. 我保证婚礼后一定会 把原来那个冷静的Sam还给你
    [00:49.04]I just want it exactly right. 我只是想一切顺利
    [00:52.72]- It'll be perfect. - Here it comes. - 会顺利的 - 又来了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      一个美国新娘的自白      

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