


时间:2017-09-26 12:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:52.28]and the guy makes millions. 这家伙赚了几百万 [00:55.64]Its not the money that pisses me off. I mean, yeah, fuck 不是钱让我生气,我是说,钱让我生气 [00:58.92]it does piss me off, but thats not it. 但不是钱
  • [00:52.28]and the guy makes millions. 这家伙赚了几百万
    [00:55.64]It's not the money that pisses me off. I mean, yeah, fuck… 不是钱让我生气,我是说,钱让我生气…
    [00:58.92]it does piss me off, but that's not it. 但不是钱的问题
    [01:01.04]It's the perception. Everybody thinks Hugo's the genius. 是别人的看法,大家都认为雨果是天才,那是我的主意
    [01:03.28]It was my idea. It's like he's Simon and I'm Garfunkel. 就像他是保罗西蒙,我是亚特加芬科尔
    [01:09.28]Look at me, man. 看着我,老兄
    [01:11.56]I'm fucking Garfunkel. 我是他妈的加芬科尔
    [01:17.12]Look, seriously. I can't do this. 说真的,我不能这么做
    [01:19.92]Don't be a pussy2. Nobody's home. 别扭扭捏捏了,没人在家
    [01:28.08]-Why do you want this thing so bad? -Because. It should've been mine. -你为什么这么想要这个东西? -因为它本应是我的
    [01:29.16]-I'm just gonna grab it andleave -You don't understand. -我抢了就走 -你不明白…
    [01:33.20]I have to be at a dinner in an hour. My whole life depends on it. 我必须一小时内出席晚宴,我这辈子就靠它了
    [01:36.20]-You want me out of Danielle's life? -Yes, I do. -你要我从丹妮儿的生活中离开? -是的
    [01:40.28]-Then let's go -But wait. Seriously-- -那我们就干吧 -等等,说真的
    [01:44.84]Sometimes in life, if you want to do something good, you gotta do something bad. 有时候如果你想做点什么好事,你也要做点坏事
    [01:48.04]Yeah, but this is breaking and entering. 对,但这是侵闯民宅
    [01:49.00]This is politics. 这是政治
    [01:57.00]Hey, after this, we're cool, okay? 嘿,这事之后就好了,好吗?
    [02:02.72]You're all right, man. 你没事的,老兄
    [02:33.88]Yes. I'd like to report a robbery. 我要报告一起抢劫

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