


时间:2017-09-19 12:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:12.46]-Yeah, come on. Lets go -Beach is for fags, Matt. -就是,我们走吧 -海边只是给一些小孩玩的地方 [03:15.26]-The beach is for fags? -Yeah. -小孩玩的? -对啊 [03:21.22]You know what? You guys are fags. 你们才
  • [03:12.46]-Yeah, come on. Let's go -Beach is for fags, Matt. -就是,我们走吧 -海边只是给一些小孩玩的地方
    [03:15.26]-The beach is for fags? -Yeah. -小孩玩的? -对啊
    [03:21.22]You know what? You guys are fags. 你们才是小孩吧
    [03:27.10]Everyone to the beach! 大家去海边!
    [03:30.70]Let's go! Lock 'em and load 'em, dude. 大家准备好了,走!去他妈的
    [03:35.82]Fuck it. 妈的
    [04:00.82]Personal power means6 the ability to act… 个人力量意味着有能力去…
    [04:02.06]the ability to take action. 有能力采取行动
    [04:07.66]that are necessary to produce the results. 去取得预想的结局
    [04:10.02]And here's number one step to personal power. It's called energy. Energy. 第一步,第一步就是精力
    [04:16.42]When you wake up feeling truly lethargic-- 当你一觉起来感觉精神不振
    [04:28.14]Oh, shit. 噢,妈的
    [04:49.82]Hey! Pull it over! 快停下来!
    [04:56.46]Pull it over! Pull over! 快停!
    [00:27.86]Oh, you're home early. 你回来得很早嘛
    [00:31.18]Yeah, I postponed1 yearbook. I gotta work on my speech. Hi, Mr.Peterson. -我把年刊的事推后了,我要为我的演讲作准备 -彼得森先生,你好
    [00:33.54]-Mr.President -Mrs.Peterson. -总统先生好 -彼得森太太
    [00:34.74]-Congratulations -Oh, thank you. -祝贺你 -谢谢
    [00:36.62]Congratulations. Georgetown. Wow. You must be flying . 祝贺啊,乔治敦,你前途无量阿
    [00:43.38]Yeah, it's pretty cool. 听起来不错
    [00:45.70]What's the speech you're working on? 你在准备什么演讲阿?
    [00:47.46]It's for this scholarship I need to get so I can actually go to Georgetown. 是为了奖学金,我只有拿了他,才能真正进乔治敦

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      邻家女孩      

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