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时间:2015-07-07 12:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:06.64]Im gonna try to flip1 this thing over now, 我现在要把它翻个个儿了 [00:08.60]which is a rather daring thing to do. 这个活儿可要点胆量 [00:13.60]Before her, it was frozen food and can openers and marshmallows. 在她
  •   [00:06.64]I’m gonna try to flip1 this thing over now, 我现在要把它翻个个儿了
      [00:08.60]which is a rather daring thing to do. 这个活儿可要点胆量
      [00:13.60]Before her, it was frozen food and can openers and marshmallows. 在她之前,只有冷冻食物和棉花糖
      [00:14.28]She changed everything. 她改变了一切
      [00:18.68]Don’t knock marshmallows. 你可别攻击棉花糖啊
      [00:21.16]When you flip anything, 当你要翻东西时
      [00:23.72]you’ve just got to have the courage of your convictions. 你必须得有勇气相信自己
      [00:27.00]Especially if it’s a loose sort of mass like... 尤其要翻的东西是这么蓬松的一大坨
      [00:33.20]That didn’t go very well. 进展的不是很顺利哪
      [00:34.44]But, you see, when I flipped2 it, 但是,你看,但我翻个的时候
      [00:37.04]- I didn’t have the courage I needed... - She’s so adorable. - 我没有足够的勇气 - 她实在太可爱了
      [00:41.72]... the way I should’ve. 我本该多些勇气的
      [00:44.32]But you can always put it together. 不过你总是能把东西再放到一块儿
      [00:47.88]And you’re alone in the kitchen. Who’s to see? 只有你自己在厨房,神不知鬼不觉
      [00:53.52]Pearls. The woman is wearing pearls in the kitchen. 珍珠,这个女人在厨房里也戴着珍珠项链
      [00:56.16]... you’ve just got to practice, like the piano. 这个就是要勤加练习,就像弹钢琴
      [01:00.84]I’m Julia Child. 我是Julia Child

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
