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时间:2015-07-07 12:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:02.72]So write a blog about cooking. 那你就写关于烹饪的博客 [04:09.00]Im not a real cook, like Julia Child or Mario Batali. 我可不是像Julia Child或者Mario Batali那样真正的大厨 [04:12.24]Julia Child wasnt always
  •   [04:02.72]So write a blog about cooking. 那你就写关于烹饪的博客
      [04:09.00]I’m not a real cook, like Julia Child or Mario Batali. 我可不是像Julia Child或者Mario Batali那样真正的大厨
      [04:12.24]Julia Child wasn’t always Julia Child. Julia Child也不是一开始就是大厨
      [04:20.68]If I really wanted to learn to cook, 如果我真的想学烹饪
      [04:23.28]I could just cook my way through Julia Child’s cookbook. 那我就照着Julia Child的烹饪书一路自学
      [04:25.44]I could blog about that. 我能写学烹饪的博客
      [04:28.48]I have a copy. I stole it from my mother last time I was in Texas. 我有一本她的书,上一回在德克萨斯的时候,我从我妈那偷的
      [04:34.52]When I was eight, my father’s boss came to dinner and it was a really big deal, 我八岁时,我爸的老板来家里吃饭,那真的是件大事啊
      [04:38.88]and my mother made boeuf bourguignon. 我妈做了红葡萄酒烩牛肉
      [04:41.36]But it wasn’t just boeuf bourguignon. It was Julia’s boeuf bourguignon. 但这不仅仅是简单的红葡萄酒烩牛肉 那可是Julia的红葡萄酒烩牛肉
      [04:46.52]And it was like she was there, like Julia was there in the room, 那就像Julia在场一样
      [04:52.04]on our side like some great big good fairy. 就像童话里一样,在我们的家里
      [04:59.28]And everything was going to be all right. 所有的一切都会好起来的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
