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时间:2015-07-07 12:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:16.84]You people are a bunch of heartless bureaucratic1 goons. 你们这些人简直都是一群没心没肺的官僚 [02:21.04]I am not a heartless bureaucratic goon. 我可不是没心没肺的官僚 [02:21.72]I am just a person in a
  •   [02:16.84]You people are a bunch of heartless bureaucratic1 goons. 你们这些人简直都是一群没心没肺的官僚
      [02:21.04]I am not a heartless bureaucratic goon. 我可不是没心没肺的官僚
      [02:21.72]I am just a person in a cubicle2, and I am doing the best I can, ma’am. 女士,我只是个小隔间里上班族 而且我也尽力做到最好了
      [02:25.80]This is my sixth phone call and the only thing anyone ever tells me is 这是我打的第六通电话了 所有人都只会说
      [02:28.68]I have to fill out a form to get in line for an insurance payment. 如果我想得到保险的话就要填一份表格
      [02:31.84]And you do. But, I mean, if you don’t wanna fill out a form I will fill one out for you, 你的确需要填,不过,如果你实在不想填的话 我可以帮你填一份
      [02:36.00]but you’re still going to have to come in and sign it. 但还是要你过来签一下名
      [02:38.52]- To your cubicle? - Yes. - 去你的小隔间吗? - 对
      [02:42.92]I feel terrible about what you’re going through, Mr. Diamond, but... 我很同情你正在经历的一切,Dimoun先生,但是...
      [02:44.48]You have no idea what I’m going through, Ms. Powell. You have no idea. 你根本就不知道我正经历些什么 Powell小姐,你根本什么都不知道
      [02:48.28]- Please don’t yell at me. - This whole thing is completely inefficient3. - 请别对我嚷嚷了 - 这整件事简直是太蠢了
      [02:51.32]- My 3-year-old is more capable of helping4. - I am your friend. - 我三岁大的孩子也比你们有用 - 我是你的朋友
      [02:57.68]And now the doctor says there’s fiberglass in his lungs. 现在医生说他的肺都纤维化了
      [03:00.36]He coughs. He never stops coughing. I don’t know what to do. 他一直在咳嗽,咳个不停 我不知道该怎么办才好了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
