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时间:2015-07-07 12:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:07.60]Maybe. 也许会 [00:15.68]Jule? Jule? [00:18.36]Its Versailles. 这儿简直就是凡尔赛宫了 [00:21.40]Im so happy you like it, darling. 亲爱的,真高兴你喜欢这儿 [01:42.96]Good morning, Lower Manhattan Developm
  •   [00:07.60]Maybe. 也许会
      [00:15.68]Jule? Jule?
      [00:18.36]It’s Versailles. 这儿简直就是凡尔赛宫了
      [00:21.40]I’m so happy you like it, darling. 亲爱的,真高兴你喜欢这儿
      [01:42.96]Good morning, Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, 早上好 曼哈顿下城发展公司
      [01:47.52]LMDC. LMDC(公司名称缩写)
      [01:47.92]Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, Julie Powell. 曼哈顿下城发展公司 我是Jule Powell
      [01:50.10]- My son died in the second tower. - I’m sorry. -我的儿子死在双子塔(指911事件) -我很遗憾
      [02:00.72]I’m so sorry. 我真的感到很遗憾
      [02:02.00]Are you the person to speak to if I don’t like the plan for the memorial 如果我想参加今天上午的悼念仪式, 是应该找你吗?
      [02:06.00]- that was in this morning’s Times? - You can speak to me. 你可以对我说
      [02:07.40]- Do you have any power? - No. - 是你管事吗? - 不是
      [02:11.16]I wanna speak to someone with power. I don’t like the plan. 那我要和掌权的人说话 我不喜欢这样的安排
      [02:14.88]I don’t like the plan either. 我也不喜欢这样的安排

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
