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时间:2015-05-25 22:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:03.38]好吧 很好 Okay. Nice. [00:15.09]怎么样? 听上去还好 Good? Sounded good. [00:16.36]对 对 还挺好玩的 Uh, yeah. Yeah, it was a Iot of fun. [00:18.06]她真的很贴心 She was reaIIy... just a sweetheart. [00:20.56]凯
  •   [00:03.38]好吧 很好 Okay. Nice.
      [00:15.09]怎么样? 听上去还好  Good? Sounded good.
      [00:16.36]对 对 还挺好玩的 Uh, yeah. Yeah, it was a Iot of fun.
      [00:18.06]她真的…很贴心 She was reaIIy... just a sweetheart.
      [00:20.56]凯特 他说他想道歉 Kate, he saId he Wanted to apoloGIze.
      [00:23.16]他想怎么道歉都行 He can apoIogize aII he wants.
      [00:24.42]但有些错误就是不可原谅的 There are some sins that are unforgivabIe.
      [00:26.17]好吧 他们是一起乘车回家 Okay, they shared a cab home.
      [00:27.61]但那也不表示会出事啊 That doesn’t mean that anything happened.
      [00:29.00]少来了 Oh, pIease.
      [00:31.04]一个淫荡的贱人上了你的车 A dirty whore gets into your cab...
      [00:33.57]而且还正好是你在酒吧喝醉之后 after you just were making out in a bar.
      [00:36.01]很抱歉 我看不出他有什么理由白出这车钱 l’m sorry, but he’s not Iooking to save some bucks1 on cab fare.
      [00:39.18]他一定会爽一下的  He’s Iookin’ to get Iaid.
      [00:40.36]好吧 他跟你说过只是接了吻 Okay, he toId you it was just a kiss.
      [00:42.12]对 没什么大不了 WeII, yeah. Big deaI.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
