[02:43.55]第三次考的时候 On his third try.
[02:45.07]他头两次肯定喝醉了 He was probabIy drunk the filrst two times.
[02:47.05]他已经戒酒2年了 Been sober for two years now.
[02:48.61]那他还是一头恶心又不诚实的猪 He’s stIll a dIsGustInG, dIshonest pIG.
[02:51.58]你干嘛要雇他当你的律师呢? Why wouId you hire him to be your Iawyer?
[02:54.28]我是说 你…你现在是个有名的大作家了 l mean, you’re You’re a big, famous writer now.
[02:57.95]我在沙滩上…读了你的《岁月流觞》 By the Way, I read Day After Day... on the beach.
[03:02.99]很喜欢 很相近了 是《暗夜流觞》 Loved it. CIose. NIGht After NIGht.
[03:05.76]记住了 不管怎么说 MemorabIe. Either way
[03:09.30]我觉得你可以请到比他更好的 l think you couId do better than him.
[03:10.86]真是不错她的火气还是这么大 Good thing she got over aII that anger.
[03:12.27]凯特 你们俩都分手12年了 You know, Kate, you guys did break up 1 2 years ago.
[03:15.47]他背叛了我 这可是重创 He cheated on me. Those are deep wounds.
[03:17.47]他 就 是 个 鸟人 He... Is... a... prIck4.
[03:21.51]谢谢 能跟你说话真好 This has been pIeasant. Nice to taIk to you.
[03:24.45]嘿 顺便一问 你什么时候会出书呢? Hey, by the way, when are you working on another book?
[03:28.35]你…这段时间都在干什么呢? Are youWhat are you doin’ these days?
[03:31.69]呃 呃 事实上 呃 我…我正在写呢 Yeah. Yeah. ActuaIIy, weII, l’m l’m stiII working on it.
[03:36.23]但是这 呃…会很好看的 But it’s, um lt’s gonna be great.