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时间:2015-05-25 22:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:47.76]因为我们预定了7:30的晚餐 cause We have a 7..30 dInner reservatIon... [04:49.87]而且她是我最好的朋友 对我意义重大 and this is my best friend, and that means a Iot to me. [04:52.37]那我该怎么办? 把这些
  •   [04:47.76]因为我们预定了7:30的晚餐 ’cause We have a 7..30 dInner reservatIon...
      [04:49.87]而且她是我最好的朋友 对我意义重大 and this is my best friend, and that means a Iot to me.
      [04:52.37]那我该怎么办? 把这些扔垃圾桶里? So what am l supposed to do? Just throw this in the rubbish?
      [04:55.77]嗯 放冰箱吧我们明天再吃 WeII, you’II put it in the fridge, and we’II have it tomorrow.
      [04:58.68]听着 我是在饭店工作的 好吗? Listen, l Iive in a restaurant, aII right?
      [00:01.44]下班之后 我最不想做的一件事 lt’s my one day off, and the Iast fuckin’ thing l wanna do...
      [00:04.15]就是上饭馆 is go to a restaurant.
      [00:06.15]所以我会弄完它 然后晚饭时吃 So l’m just gonna filnish this, and have it for dinner.
      [00:19.16]你知道什么才是最糟的 You knoW What’s really terrIble Is...
      [00:21.26]我甚至不确定到底有没有告诉他 I don’t even knoW If I told hIm or not.
      [00:23.63]我是说 我以为我说了 但可能我没说 I mean, I thInk I dId. Maybe I dIdn’t.
      [00:26.64]别被他忽悠过去了 Don’t you dare Iet him gasIight you.
      [00:29.54]他是故意这么干的 He does this shit on purpose.
      [00:31.61]他今晚根本不想来因为他不喜欢我 He didn’t want to come tonight ’cause he doesn’t Iike me.
      [00:34.48]我不知道 我觉得原因可能不止这样 l don’t know. l think it’s much bigger than that.
      [00:37.95]好吧 希望这样可以让你好受点 WeII, if it makes you feeI any better,
      [00:40.23]我挺高兴他没来 l’m gIad he’s not here.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
