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时间:2015-05-25 21:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:51.88]不是一个被我选中而必须假装爱我 [01:52.04]Not someone whos lumbered2 with me and has to pretend3 to love me, [01:57.36]而是一个真正想要我的人 [01:57.52]but someone who really wants me. [02:02.84]可是一直
  •   [01:51.88]不是一个被我选中而必须假装爱我
      [01:52.04]Not someone who’s lumbered2 with me and has to pretend3 to love me,
      [01:57.52]but someone who really wants me."
      [02:03.04]But all the time you loved someone else.
      [02:08.16]我们也会很幸福的, 是不是?
      [02:08.20]If it hadn’t been for her,
      [02:08.32]we could’ve been happy enough, couldn’t we?
      [02:12.68]不, 没关系  你没必要撒谎
      [02:12.88]No, it’s all right. You don’t have to lie.
      [02:16.64]而且  我也不准备再满足于"很幸福"了
      [02:16.80]And anyway, I’m not prepared to settle4 for "happy enough."
      [02:20.56]Not anymore.
      [02:26.92]I want--
      [02:28.80]I want what you and her have.
      [02:50.08]Now go.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
