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时间:2015-05-25 21:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:42.04]看看他 [04:42.20]Look at him. [04:44.92]他还在惊讶呢 [04:45.08]Hes still in shock. [04:56.56]带上孩子快走 我会赶上你的 [04:56.72]Get baby and go! I catch you up [00:21.04]是给我的 是不是 [00:21.24]It is
  •   [04:42.04]看看他
      [04:42.20]Look at him.
      [04:45.08]He’s still in shock.
      [04:56.56]带上孩子快走  我会赶上你的
      [04:56.72]Get baby and go! I catch you up
      [00:21.04]是给我的  是不是
      [00:21.24]It is for me, isn’t it?
      [00:39.28]Why haven’t you finished it?
      [00:43.36]Because nothing I could think of seemed...
      [00:50.76]Tonight I’ve been watching you,
      [00:54.88]trying to make myself believe you were happy.
      [00:56.52]Because I was so determined1 that this would finally do the trick...
      [01:02.20]that this would make us be in love.
      [01:03.64]看你这么幸福 我确实很高兴

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
