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时间:2015-05-11 21:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:25.60]贝莱塞 [00:25.80]Belansai... [00:27.00]tell the court why you had to try to kill me. [00:29.80]告诉法庭你为什么要故意杀我? [00:40.52]现在休庭 明天宣判 [00:40.72]The court will adjourn1 and pass sentence tom
  •   [00:25.60]贝莱塞
      [00:27.00]tell the court why you had to try to kill me.
      [00:40.52]现在休庭  明天宣判
      [00:40.72]The court will adjourn1 and pass sentence tomorrow.
      [00:47.08]-你在干什么? -他救过我的命
      [00:47.28]- What are you doing? - He saved my life.
      [00:47.96]对啊  这真让人感到羞愧
      [00:48.12]Yes, and what a shame that was.
      [00:50.40]Don’t think you’re going to sentence him to anything except death.
      [00:55.64]否则 我就会介入 驳回你的判决
      [00:55.84]You do that, and I’ll just step in and overrule you.
      [00:56.12]You understand me? You’ll have achieved nothing!
      [00:58.92]你明不明白?  你什么也得不到
      [01:39.40]Leave her alone!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
