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时间:2015-05-11 20:40来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:54.44]You missed Queen Anne, by the way. 顺便说一下 你说漏了安妮女王 [03:04.28]I hear when you were young, 听说你小时候 [03:05.08]you were a champion at the underwater battles. 是水下战斗的冠军 [03:06.04]When
  •   [02:54.44]You missed Queen Anne, by the way. 顺便说一下 你说漏了安妮女王
      [03:04.28]I hear when you were young, 听说你小时候
      [03:05.08]you were a champion at the underwater battles. 是水下战斗的冠军
      [03:06.04]When I was young? 小时候?
      [03:08.76]I am still champion of 10 Longhouses. 我现在仍是10个长屋的冠军
      [03:11.12]Yes, they say you can beat any girl on the river. 对了 他们说你在河里可以打倒任何女子
      [03:14.12]Will you challenge me then? 要跟我挑战吗?
      [04:49.16]How you-- how you do that? 你…你怎么做到的?
      [04:51.36]Some Englishmen 有些英国人
      [04:54.20]can breathe underwater 可以在水下呼吸
      [04:54.68]through their ears. 用他们的耳朵
      [00:19.56]I wonder if I might have a word about... 我想我可不可以谈谈
      [00:23.12]those heads. 那些人头?
      [00:30.48]It’s lovely workmanship. 手工不错
      [00:31.28]I’ll add those to the collection. 我会把这些加进收藏里的
      [00:35.68]The ants eaten your dinnerjacket yet? 蚂蚁把你的无尾礼服吃掉了?
      [00:39.64]I think there’s an arm or two left. 我想还留下了一两条袖子
      [00:40.32]Good. 哦
      [00:41.84]My daughter Cecilia is arriving for Christmas. 我的女儿赛希尔要来过圣诞节
      [00:43.32]First class honors degree at Oxford1. 牛津大学一等奖学金
      [00:46.92]You’d like her. 你会喜欢她的
      [00:48.88]Come to dinner. 来吃晚饭
      [00:59.64]How drunk is he? 他又喝醉了
      [00:60.72]Oh! 哦!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
