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时间:2015-05-11 20:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:05.36]No, Im sorry, no. No. 不 对不起 不 不 [00:06.60]I know you think Im just some young idiot, 我知道你认为我是个年轻笨蛋 [00:10.92]but if I dont follow what I thinks right, what else is there? 但如果我不能做我
  •   [00:05.36]No, I’m sorry, no. No. 不 对不起 不 不
      [00:06.60]I know you think I’m just some young idiot, 我知道你认为我是个年轻笨蛋
      [00:10.92]but if I don’t follow what I think’s right, what else is there? 但如果我不能做我认为正确的事情 我还能干什么?
      [00:13.12]Then you’d better find another way to learn the damn language. 那你最好再找个办法来学习这该死的语言
      [00:15.80]Because if a so-called educated man 如果一个所谓的受过教育的人
      [00:17.36]can’t speak the language of the people he governs, 不能说他管辖的人所说的话
      [00:21.24]he’s no right to be here! 他就没有资格在这里
      [00:23.12]Fine, maybe she can stay as... just a dictionary? 好吧 也许他可以留下…就当部字典
      [00:26.00]- If she doesn’t mind, that is. - What? -如果她不介意的话. -什么?
      [00:31.48]Mind not sleeping with you? I’m sure she’ll survive. 介意不跟你睡觉? 我想她会活下去的
      [00:39.36]She said yes. 她说可以
      [00:41.40]What else did she say? 她还说什么了?
      [00:44.48]You’ll have to learn Iban and find out, won’t you? 你得学习依班语,自己去听,是吧?
      [00:47.20]I’d stand back if I were you. 如果我是你,我就后退点
      [01:01.60]Ha ha! 哈哈
      [01:20.48]Ants. 蚂蚁
      [01:21.48]Yes, ants. Thank you very much. 是的,蚂蚁 非常感谢
      [01:28.64]Good night. 晚安

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
