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时间:2015-04-23 22:33来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:45.13]I have to go. Ill see you later. Thank you. 我得离开. 晚些见. 谢谢 [00:47.81]Here we go again. 又来了. [00:52.49]- There she is. - Anna! -她在这. -安娜! [00:55.85]Pull it over. 停下. [00:58.17]Anna! 安娜! [01:
  •   [00:45.13]I have to go. I’ll see you later. Thank you. 我得离开. 晚些见. 谢谢
      [00:47.81]Here we go again. 又来了.
      [00:52.49]- There she is. - Anna! -她在这. -安娜!
      [00:55.85]Pull it over. 停下.
      [00:58.17]Anna! 安娜!
      [01:34.37]This way. 这边.
      [01:56.97]Gondola? 刚朵拉?
      [01:57.49]- Yes. - No. -是. -不.
      [02:01.49]My first customer. 我的第一对客人.
      [02:02.85]The other gondolieri, they put me here, but nobody visit. 其他船夫,他们让我在这儿候着, 但是没有游客来.
      [02:06.37]I tell them, "Nobody come to my bridge." They say, "Somebody will, Eugenio." 我说, " 没人会来的." 他们说, "会有的."
      [02:12.53]And now you are here. 现在你们来了.
      [02:14.21]We don’t have any money. 我们没钱.
      [02:19.73]- Well, then, I’m sorry. - But, sir, we’re newlyweds. -啊, 很遗憾. -不过, 先生,我们刚结婚.
      [02:22.61]- Right? Right, honey? - That’s right, sweetums. -是吗? 蜜糖? -没错,甜心.
      [02:28.77]Precious, I just love it when you call me that. 真棒, 我就喜欢你这么叫我.
      [02:33.13]Your love, it’s beautiful. 你们相爱, 这很美.
      [02:38.49]- No money, no ride. - Sir, please. -没钱, 就没船坐. -先生, 求你.
      [02:40.33]We were married against my parents’ wishes. 我们的结合违背了父母的意愿.
      [02:43.21]- We tried to stay apart, but it was no good. - Exactly, because I would rather die... -我们试图分开, 但不成. -对极了, 我宁可去死...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      总统千金欧游记      
