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时间:2015-04-23 22:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:59.09]Im terribly sorry, milady. 十分抱歉,夫人. [02:00.25]All those rooftops were booked this evening, so deal with it. 所有的屋顶座位都已经预订了,只能将就点了 [02:07.61]Rigoletto is my favorite. 我最喜欢《
  •   [01:59.09]I’m terribly sorry, milady. 十分抱歉,夫人.
      [02:00.25]All those rooftops were booked this evening, so deal with it. 所有的屋顶座位都已经预订了,只能将就点了
      [02:07.61]Rigoletto is my favorite. 我最喜欢《弄臣》
      [02:08.61]I can totally relate to Gilda, you know, cloistered4 and love-starved in the nunnery. 我和吉尔达非常像,被关在幽闭的修道院 内心渴望爱情
      [02:17.01]Come on. 别这样.
      [02:17.65]Trips to Europe. Tickets to the opera. Your life can’t possibly be that bad. 来欧洲旅游.买张卷去看歌剧. 你的生活不可能会那么坏.
      [02:22.69]I never said it was bad. It’s just... 我从没说过不好. 只是...
      [02:27.73]...Ionely. ...孤独.
      [02:30.73]And the funny thing is I am never, ever alone. 可有趣的是,我从来没有独处过.
      [02:47.49]Beer is good, isn’t it? 啤酒很好喝,对吗?
      [02:52.01]I’ve always thought so. 我一直这么认为.
      [04:06.21]Oh, my God. 噢,我的天.
      [04:09.53]What time is it? I need to call my parents. 几点了? 我要打电话给我爸妈.
      [04:13.41]- I thought you wanted to be liberated5. - Liberated, yes. Grounded, no. - 我以为你需要自由呢. - 已经自由了啊,是的.睡地上,不好.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      总统千金欧游记      
