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时间:2015-04-23 22:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:25.81]See, what you dont understand is, like, this is historic for me. 你不明白,这对我来说是历史性意义的. [04:31.49]No one ever lets me do anything remotely dangerous, and Im never alone. 没有人会让我来这种危险的
  •   [04:25.81]See, what you don’t understand is, like, this is historic for me. 你不明白,这对我来说是历史性意义的.
      [04:31.49]No one ever lets me do anything remotely dangerous, and I’m never alone. 没有人会让我来这种危险的地方 我也从来不会是一个人
      [04:34.89]Anyway, it’s not like this is that dangerous or anything. 总之不会有这种危险的状况和事情发生.
      [04:38.37]Well, not unless you grab the pipe. 嗯,如果你扶稳那烟囱的话.
      [04:45.93]Oh, God. 哦,天啊.
      [04:53.29]All right, it’s probably best if you hold your horses and let me go first... 好,你扶好了,让我先带路...
      [04:58.33]...because this looks to me like it could be a little bit... ...因为这样我可以走得更...
      [00:01.85]...tricky1. ...灵敏一点.
      [00:06.53]- We almost died. That was incredible. - Not too dramatic, are you? - 我们几乎死了. 太难以置信了. - 一点都不刺激,不是吗?
      [00:13.05]Come and have a look at this. 过来这边看看吧.
      [00:21.25]You see that woman? She thinks that she’s just having a dream. 你看到那女人吗? 她以为她在发梦.
      [00:25.13]But she’s not, and he’s deceiving her. 但她不是, 而是他在骗她.
      [00:28.97]Yeah? Well, how else can Paris get Helen to show him how she truly feels? 是吗? 嗯,巴黎除了让 海伦体验他真实的感受还能怎样?
      [00:35.33]It’s the perfect deception2. 完美的骗局.
      [00:38.53]So it’s all right to deceive with good reason? 那就是说有好的理由就可以骗人咯?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      总统千金欧游记      
