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时间:2015-03-22 20:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:46.08]听着,维, 我不知道怎么混球队 Look, Vi, I dont know what to tell you about the whole soccer team... [03:49.76]但我知道怎么混人缘 我有个主意 ...but as for the social stuff4, I got an idea. [03:54.96]-真的
  •   [03:46.08]听着,维, 我不知道怎么混球队 Look, Vi, I don’t know what to tell you about the whole soccer team...
      [03:49.76]但我知道怎么混人缘 我有个主意 ...but as for the social stuff4, I got an idea.
      [03:54.96]-真的? - 真的 - You do? - Yeah.
      [03:56.00]我们来让大家看看你的男人本色 We’re gonna show everybody the man that you really are.
      [03:59.80]上,维奥拉 Go, Viola.
      [03:60.20]我们该怎么做? How are we gonna do that?
      [04:03.16]来击掌。不错 High five. Nice.
      [04:09.88]哥们儿,看谁来了 Man. Look who’s here.
      [04:12.92]小妞好啊 Foxy mama.
      [04:14.84]别看着他 他或许不会看到我们 Don’t look at him. Maybe he won’t see us.
      [04:17.92]坐开点,假装没空位了 Spread out so it looks like we got no room.
      [04:21.56]- 还好吗? - 你好吗? - What’s up? - What’s up?
      [04:23.08]上,琦雅 Go, Kia.
      [04:33.20]- 嘿,塞巴斯蒂安 - 琦雅 - Hey, Sebastian. - Kia.
      [04:36.56]嘿,美女。你还好吗,宝贝? Hey, girl. How you doing, baby?
      [04:38.68]- 没了你就不好 - 我知道,我很抱歉 - Not the same without you. - I know. I’m sorry.
      [04:42.68]新学校,新环境 New school, new babe pool.
      [04:45.96]我好想你,塞巴斯蒂安 I miss you, Sebastian.
      [04:47.24]我一直在思念你 I’ve been thinking about you a lot.
      [04:49.08]- 孤枕难眠啊 - 是啊 - Especially at night. - Sweet.
      [04:53.08]她刚才是对塞巴斯蒂安说的? Did she just say that to Sebastian?
      [04:53.68]- 彻夜地 - 真不错 - And late. - Even better.
      [04:57.44]- 到底怎么一会儿事? - 哦,塞巴斯蒂安 - What just happened? - Oh, Sebastian.
      [04:60.04]好,来个大大的悲叹 苦乐掺拌的再会 OK, big, mournful sigh. Bittersweet farewell.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
