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时间:2015-03-22 19:47来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:27.23]It seemed we were doing good. 我们似乎过得还不错 [04:30.87]Till one day... 直到有一天 [04:32.87]...that day... 就是那一天 [04:35.14]...that letter brought me back to earth. 那封信把我带回现实 [04:44.45]
  •   [04:27.23]It seemed we were doing good. 我们似乎过得还不错
      [04:30.87]Till one day... 直到有一天
      [04:32.87]...that day... 就是那一天
      [04:35.14]...that letter brought me back to earth. 那封信把我带回现实
      [04:44.45]This part of my life is called "Paying Taxes." 这个人生阶段是 “纳税”
      [04:49.09]If you didn’t pay them... 要是你不纳税
      [04:50.62]...the government could stick their hands into your bank account... 政府就会从你的银行帐户
      [04:54.23]...and take your money. 拿钱
      [04:55.66]Dad. 爸!
      [04:56.83]No warning. Nothing. 毫无任何预警
      [04:59.03]It can’t be too late. That’s my money. 一定来得及,那是我的钱
      [00:02.37]How is somebody just gonna just take my money? 政府怎么能拿走我的钱?
      [00:05.81]I was... I was...
      [00:07.31]Listen, I... That’s all the money that I have. 我只有那么多钱
      [00:10.84]You cannot go into my bank acc... No... 你不能从我的银行拿钱
      [00:15.35]It was the 25th of September. 那天是9月25日
      [00:17.92]I remember that day. 我记得很清楚
      [00:19.82]Because that’s the day that I found out... 因为在那天我发现
      [00:22.12]...there was only 21 dollars and 33 cents left in my bank account1. 我的银行帐户只剩21块3毛3
      [00:27.46]I was broke. 我破产了
      [00:39.51]- Dressed yet? - No. -穿好衣服了吗? -还没
      [00:45.71]Chris! Chris! Don’t jerk2 me around, okay, Chris? 克里斯,别唬弄我
      [00:49.25]I’m not jerking3 you around, Ralph, all right? I’m gonna get it. 我没唬弄你,我会付钱的
      [00:52.22]- I need that money now, not later. - When I get it, you get it, Ralph. -我现在就要房钱 -我拿到钱就会给你
      [00:55.99]Now! 我现在就要

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
