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时间:2015-03-04 21:20来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:15.90]Come on, finish up. 快把饭吃完 [03:18.50]- Are you sure? - Possibly. -你确定吗? -也许吧 [03:22.67]Really? 真的吗? [03:54.20]- Are you bringing it to the game? - Yeah, I dont wanna leave it. -你要带机器去看球
  •   [03:15.90]Come on, finish up. 快把饭吃完
      [03:18.50]- Are you sure? - Possibly. -你确定吗? -也许吧
      [03:22.67]Really? 真的吗?
      [03:54.20]- Are you bringing it to the game? - Yeah, I don’t wanna leave it. -你要带机器去看球赛? -我不想留下来
      [03:58.94]And maybe we’re going to the game. 也许我们会去看球赛
      [04:03.41]- Where are we going now? - To see someone about my job. -我们现在要去哪里? -见一位客户
      [04:07.75]I don’t understand. 我不懂
      [04:09.65]- You don’t understand what? - Are we going to the game? -你不懂什么? -我们不是要去看球赛吗?
      [04:13.05]I said possibly we’re going to the game. 我说也许会去
      [04:15.79]- You know what "possibly" means? - Like probably. -你知道“也许” 的意思吗? -是“很可能” 吗?
      [04:18.36]No, "probably" means there’s a good chance that we’re going. 不是 “很可能”代表很有机会能去
      [04:21.20]"Possibly" means we might, we might not. “也许”代表不一定能去
      [04:24.13]- What does "probably" mean? - It means we have a good chance. -“很可能” 的意思是什么? -我们很有机会能去
      [04:27.40]And what does "possibly" mean? “也许”代表什么?
      [04:28.97]- I know what it means. - What does it mean? -我知道它的意思 -什么意思?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
