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时间:2015-03-04 21:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:36.29]So Im going to New York, Chris. 我要去纽约 [03:41.76]Christophers staying with me. 小克要跟我一起住 [03:50.60]Im his mom, you know? 我是他妈妈 [03:53.64]He should be with his mom. 他应该跟我 [03:55.94]I shou
  •   [03:36.29]So I'm going to New York, Chris. 我要去纽约
      [03:41.76]Christopher's staying with me. 小克要跟我一起住
      [03:50.60]I'm his mom, you know? 我是他妈妈
      [03:53.64]He should be with his mom. 他应该跟我
      [03:55.94]I should have him, right? 我应该把他带走
      [03:58.67]You know you can't take care of him. 你明知道你照顾不了他
      [04:08.95]What are you gonna do for money? 那你哪来的钱?
      [04:12.72]I had an interview at Dean Witter for an internship3... 我今天到添惠证券公司面试
      [04:18.43]...and I got it. 我被录取了
      [04:20.10]So I'm gonna stand out in my program. 我要完成实习课程
      [04:24.37]Salesman to intern's backwards4. 你这是浪费时间
      [04:26.67]No, it's not. 并不是
      [04:30.74]I gotta go. 我得走了
      [00:06.01]Tell him I love him, okay? 跟他说我爱他
      [00:16.55]I know you'll take care of him, Chris. 我知道你会好好照顾他
      [00:19.09]I know that. 我知道
      [01:02.40]- Dean Witter. - Yes, hi. -添惠证券公司 -你好
      [01:05.43]Yes, I'd like to leave a message for Mr. Jay Twistle. 我想留言给杜杰伊先生
      [01:09.37]- Your name? - Yeah, my name is Chris Gardner. -请留下大名 -我叫克里斯贾纳
      [01:13.14]The message is: 我的留言是
      [01:14.48]Thank you very much for inviting1 me into the program. 谢谢你邀请我加入实习课程
      [01:20.35]I really appreciate it and I'd be very pleased to accept your invitation. 真是感激不尽 我很荣幸接受你的邀请

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