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时间:2015-03-04 21:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:38.81]Yes, an ass1... A-hole. 蠢蛋 [00:42.08]Yeah, an ass A-hole, all the way. 没错,不折不扣的蠢蛋 [00:48.35]You are a piece of work. 你真不是盖的 [00:51.99]Tonight. 今晚 [01:01.83]There was no salary. 没有薪水
  •   [00:38.81]Yes, an ass1... A-hole. 蠢蛋
      [00:42.08]Yeah, an ass A-hole, all the way. 没错,不折不扣的蠢蛋
      [00:48.35]You are a piece of work. 你真不是盖的
      [00:51.99]Tonight. 今晚
      [01:01.83]There was no salary. 没有薪水
      [01:04.00]Not even a reasonable promise of a job. 不能保证能被录用
      [01:13.84]One intern2 was hired at the end of the program from a pool of 20. 二十名实习生要抢一个工作职位
      [01:18.81]And if you weren't that guy... 如果你没有雀屏中选
      [01:20.32]...you couldn't even apply the six months' training... 就不能当
      [01:22.89]...to another brokerage. 别家公司的实习生
      [01:27.26]The only resource I would have for six months... 这半年我只能靠那六台扫描机
      [01:29.59]...would be my six scanners, which I could still try to sell. 我还是可以试着卖出去
      [01:34.73]If I sold them all, maybe we might get by. 如果全都卖出去就能勉强过活
      [02:25.08]- I got him. I got him. - He's asleep. -让我来抱他 -他睡着了
      [02:28.52]All right. 好吧
      [02:36.43]Okay, baby. 好了 ,宝贝
      [02:50.87]I got it. 我来拿
      [02:57.61]I'm going to New York. 我要去纽约
      [03:29.11]My sister's boyfriend... 我老姐的男友
      [03:32.01]...opened a restaurant, and they may have a job for me there. 开了家餐馆 搞不好我能在那里打工

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
